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Understanding Psychosis: Unveiling the Layers and Building Bridges

This presentation will encompass a comprehensive
understanding of psychosis, aiming to deepen
knowledge in order to enhance insight into this
complex mental health condition.

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Mar 06, 2024 12:00pm ET - Mar 06, 2024 01:30pm ET

Presenter: Ashley Pena, LCSW

Executive Director at Mission Connection

Ashley is currently the Executive Director at Mission Connection, the outpatient extension of AMFM Healthcare’s compassion-driven, evidence-based, clinical program. In her role she oversees a team of clinicians who provide IOP services, both in person and via telehealth. Her leadership skills are focused on compassion, trust, safety, and  inclusivity. Being a licensed clinician first, Ashley derives her leadership skills from being a therapist, ensuring connection and understanding of each team member she supports. Ashley ensures that the quality of care at Mission Connection never waivers. Quality of care is at the utmost importance of her role. Some of the core values Ashley focuses on at Mission Connection are innovation, integrative care, compassion, and connection. 


This Continuing Education Unit (CEU) presentation will encompass a comprehensive understanding of psychosis, aiming to deepen knowledge in order to enhance awareness and insight into this complex mental health condition. By delving into the layers of psychosis, individuals will gain a nuanced understanding of its various manifestations, contributing factors, and treatment options. Additionally, this CEU will prioritize the development of empathy and effective communication strategies for engaging with individuals experiencing psychosis through an intervention called LEAP. 

Furthermore, this CEU will focus on the importance of a holistic approach to support individuals with psychosis, acknowledging the multifaceted nature of their experiences. This holistic perspective advocates for addressing not only the symptoms of psychosis but also considering the broader social, environmental, and personal factors that contribute to an individual's well-being. After this CEU, professionals will have tools to play a vital role in promoting comprehensive care and improving the overall quality of life for individuals affected by psychosis.

Learning Objectives

  1. Deepening Knowledge: Provide participants with in-depth insights into the various layers of psychosis, covering its neurobiological, psychological, and sociocultural aspects. This objective aims to enhance attendees' understanding of the complexity of psychosis.

  1. Fostering Empathy and Communication: Facilitate sessions that focus on building bridges between individuals experiencing psychosis, their families, and healthcare professionals. Promote empathy and effective communication strategies to create a supportive environment for those affected by psychosis.
  2. Promoting Holistic Approaches: Explore and discuss holistic approaches to the treatment and management of psychosis. This may include incorporating alternative therapies, community support, and a comprehensive understanding of individual needs to promote a more holistic and patient-centered approach in addressing psychosis.