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What Are They and Why Should We Care?

Apr 22

INVASIVE SPECIES IN MARYLAND What Are They and Why Should We Care?

Join the UMGC community for a unique Earth Day exploration of invasive flora and fauna in Maryland and how it threatens the delicate balance of nature in our state. Invasive plant and animal species can kill native plants and animals, destroy food supplies and natural habitats of local animals, and alter the biodiversity of an entire region. Our guest speaker will provide a researcher's perspective on why it is important that we are all aware of this growing problem, what we can do to help prevent invasive species from becoming established, and how affected areas can be restored.

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Apr 22, 2024 12:00pm


About the Speaker

Annie O'Connell is a member of the Chesapeake Conservation and Climate Corps, serving as a project assistant at the University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center. She is currently planning an invasive species removal program that will teach students to identify and remove problematic plants on campus, select replacement native plants, and replant the site to prevent the reestablishment of harmful species. O'Connell has a degree in Environmental Science and Technology from the University of Maryland, College Park, where she researched invasive species as part of her course work as well as through an experiment investigating the egg laying habits of the invasive tiger mosquito.

Presented in Partnership with the Office of Diversity and Equity and Facilities Management