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Jul 15

Online Deliverance Prayer Session - July 15, 2024

We look forward to you joining our next St. Michael Center deliverance prayer webinar because God has been so generous to us in our previous sessions.

Join us and witness how good God is to us all and how He wants to heal us. All glory to God!

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Jul 15, 2024 06:30pm ET - Jul 15, 2024 08:00pm ET

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Read reflections from our Last Prayer Session:

Honestly, it is so comforting to join in the deliverance. I love the prayers of protection that I pray for my family and myself. Thank you so much!

It was like taking a spiritual shower! I loved the prayer to tell God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit how much we love Them. A thank you to Jesus for sharing His Mother Mary with us, was wonderful, too.

I had been waking up at 3 am for about two months, regardless of what time I went to bed. It all started when we told my in-laws that we knew they were involved in the occult. Well, I’m happy to say I finally haven’t woken up at 3am since. Thank you all for all you are doing! May God continue to bless you all!

The prayers are such a comfort to me as I suffer depression from being sexually abused throughout my childhood. The prayer gives me peace and hope to trust in God's grace and healing.  

Muchas gracias por la ayuda, la paz llena mi vida y siento la protección de Dios y La Virgen ante los problemas. [Thank you very much for the help, peace fills my life and I feel the protection of God and Our Lady in the face of problems.]

Was calm and peaceful at the beginning of the deliverance prayer service but was anxious and felt a growing need to step away (which I did not do but persevered)…during the Latin deliverance prayer. Some calmness returned as we prayed for physical and emotional healing and family healing.

I wait for the session like a soldier for battle and at the end I felt a feeling of great peace.

My husband and I have been praying with you monthly for over a year. We have a lot of the family problems that are included in the prayers…it is a great comfort to us to pray with you. We believe that God is in charge and our trust has greatly improved. Thank you for ministry

Felt blessed and empowered by the Holy Spirit! Thank you for such wonderful prayers of deliverance

I prayed for my family, especially for me to forgive each one, and to release myself from any generational spirits which I discovered is no small thing…I prayed to cut any ties I have with anyone in the past, and as I did that, i begin to discover more…it’s like a new discovery.

I get a lot of peace and happiness and my heart becomes lighter when I participate in this deliverance session .

Very calming & peaceful…Love the prayers for breaking free from people/curses associated w/occult & evil eye. Felt more calm & serene afterwards.

Monday’s session was very calming from the anxiety I felt before it started. I came away with a feeling of peace.

I’ve a trauma history beginning in early childhood and had been wrestling hard with anxiety/restlessness, self-hatred, suicidal ideation…The tension around my chest released, a gradual peace followed and I can see myself & God more accurately once again.

It was an amazing experience on how the love of God works in a person . Despite my many problems, I felt peace within my soul.

…felt a lifting off my chest as I praying for Healing of my heart from wounds and memories. Also a lifting of heaviness with the prayers of healing with family/ Generational items.

I felt the lifting off of slothfulness and was able to do several tasks that I had been putting off. I feel much happier too.

I truly love theses sessions and I feel blessed at the same time. Monsignor Rossetti is gracious and comforting. He makes you feel like its a one on one session with him.

It was an amazing healing experience full of hope giving our family a fresh start.

I always feel cleansed and uplifted; reminded of God's love for me. A spiritual renewal. 

I have been in severe pain since January 2024, I woke up last night and realized that my pain was gone Praise God!!!

As I began the session I was feeling increasingly tired then suddenly I was able to be more attentive. Thankfully I experienced a deep sense of peace which I am still experiencing late into the evening.

I feel like the most powerful prayers are the ones about self-acceptance and self-hatred. That has haunted me my entire life. Also, the divination stuff. Thank you for all you do. I'll be back next month.

This was my first deliverance session, and it was everything I hoped for. I could feel the changes through heat and perspiration particularly for liberation from ingested curses (a witch gave me a cake “made just for me” once), freemasonic and occult oppression, and deliverance from spirits of divination. I know finding your help is a grace and blessing to me,


I felt so much at peace and, after 3 sessions, no longer hate myself but know deep in my heart that God loves me = peace and joy

I invited my mother and 2 brothers this time so that we could pray for our family together. My brothers are not practicing the Faith. One brother stated that he had learned more in this Session than he had at Mass. I’m praying that a seed was planted. Thank you!

I was freed from an unholy alliance that was way back 40 years ago. Thank you Lord Jesus and thank the prayer team of St. Michael’s!

I felt much "lighter" when the prayers were over. I feel a sense of peace and my mother-in-law who lives with us and sometimes causes tension/friction was very happy in the evening…almost giddy.

I appreciate the opportunity to pray deliverance prayer. I am really struggling. I found the prayer about being loved by God especially difficult. I have trouble feeling God's love, and I really, really wish I could.

For the last two sessions I have started to feel the hairs in the back of my head and all over my body rising into goosebumps starting at the moment of the prayer for swallowed objects…until you make the prayers in Latin, after that the peace returns.

Very freeing uplifting and rewarding.

On reflecting and reciting the prayers, and by listening and taking to heart his fatherly advice, I experience growth spiritually more day by day. Many thanks!

…peaceful time of healing things within myself, that i might not have known needed to be released in my life.

I felt tremendous peace both during and after the session. My leg pain was also improved, and my depression lifted after last month’s session and hasn’t returned.

There was so much joy I didn't really know what to do myself...and when that happens a big crash usually soon follows....It's been a full day now, and the joy is still there.

I have been suffering from a deep sense of sadness and a sense of hopelessness. Last nights session gave me a deep sense of peace and rest. Early this morning while still in my sleepiness, I started to compose little hymns of praise and glory to God. What a gift. I felt Him so close. This really allayed my anxieties!!

I’ve done several and each time I feel more peace and confidence that God is in control. I trust that He IS protecting me and my family members.

Fr Rossetti spoke of forgiveness, especially forgiving myself. I never thought about forgiving myself. It gave me a sense of peace.

I love Jesus. In liberation session, my ears hurt horribly at some point… started to diminish, ended with incredible peace of heart. Thank You!

The entire deliverance session has been very liberating, spiritually and emotionally. I feel my love for God and faith are growing as a result. Thank you and God bless you!

I feel that each time I participate, I feel better and move closer to maybe believing that God does love me and that my sins aren’t unforgivable. Maybe I will be able to truly forgive others as well as myself.

I felt as though a burden had been lifted from my shoulders - literally a physical sense of relief. That, plus a lovely peace.

I came back to the church 6 months ago after spending 18 years as a drug and sex addict who practiced the occult. Every time I do these prayers I can feel the demons hold on me grow weaker and weaker…Thank you, thank you. God Bless and Christ be with all of us.

For many years, I experienced a consistent pain in the right side of my head, but I noticed yesterday that this pain has not occurred since the last prayer session of the previous month.

During the prayer to love myself brought on many tears! I always feel so refreshed after praying with you.

I feel this supernatural peace since I started attending the prayer sessions. The prayers are amazing.

I just felt the love of God touching me and healing all the negative aspects of my life… Before my mom passed, I saw her. We exchanged the most beautiful letting go and forgiveness that I have ever experienced! Thank you for your loving ministry!!!!

I was falling asleep during the deliverance from evil spirits prayers and was half asleep saying the prayer responses. Then when he [Msgr Rossetti] cast out the evil spirits i immediately woke up and i wasn’t tired anymore. I was like “Woah ok wow”

I cried and released a lot of stuff. Slept so well and I feel peaceful today. Thank you all for these special evenings of deliverance. 

I felt more peace and joy during this past session along with finding it easier to forgive…

These sessions have brought me closer to God and I have experienced His healing. The most impactful part of this session was the prayer addressing the ingestion of cursed objects. I woke up today feeling more like myself than I have in the past four years.

Thank you so much, Msgr. Rossetti and St. Michael Center! I had sadly been away from active practice of the Catholic faith for over 25 years due to being in same-sex relationships. After regularly attending your deliverance sessions, I no longer struggle with that, or any occult practices that group promoted. I am now receiving sacraments again! Thank you with all my heart.

Very powerful. I experienced a lot of healing with loneliness and emotional pain. The being loved prayer, was really meaningful.

We experienced an increase in joy and peace, as well as a lessening of anxiety! Thank you so much! God bless you, all!

Very powerful. I experienced a lot of healing with loneliness and emotional pain. The being loved prayer was really meaningful.

It was just so peaceful thank you so much. I felt an incredible sense of peace. It definitely impacted our entire house also with the children waking in a very peaceful state.

It is so helpful for me that afterwards there's just peace.Your prayers lift my heart and soul that I am happy to be Catholics and my fear of giving up my fight to witchcraft seems to disappear. I thank everyone for giving us hope and courage. My love for God has gotten stronger!

Uplifting. Burdens that felt heavier than usual immediately became lighter. Also, my first session was back in February and my husband joined. Within one week, life changed dramatically for us for the better. For YEARS we prayed for a change, a new direction. It came unexpectedly and in ways we had not imagined. God's timing is beautiful. He is omniscient. Thank you for doing this. We are grateful.

Just a time of peace! SO much going on, and so much division in my marriage and amongst our families, I deeply appreciate your focused and specific prayers,… Noooo words to thank you!!!

Like Msgr. Said JOY! JOY! JOY! Also you feel this power against sin, like you could go out and fight a fire breathing dragon! 

Thank you for this Prayers and I was crying a lot and God Bless you and the Team

Complete peace and calmness. It was so relaxing.

The hairs of my arms stood up when we prayed the Litany of Saints. I also felt kind of peace and calm during the rest of the session.

The session gave me relief. I have been the target of witchcraft the past 2 years. I genuinely felt lighter after the session.

joy, peace, a childlike delight…Your online sessions are such a gift! Thank you!

During the prayers I was in tears at times while also feeling joy and determination to not let the evil spirits continue to cause me anxiety and fear.

In yesterday's session and in the first ones, my back pain went away, in the lower part of my shoulder blades. I have recovered my breathing. I felt something that was suffocating me and it's gone.

Deep sobbing within minutes of praying. My estranged, adult daughter is into the New Age/Occult. Raised Catholic, my mother gave me my first ouija board, my former husband was a witch…the family feels cursed. I have returned to my Catholic faith, the Sacraments Mass and Adoration. Felt genuine hope after this session.

I LOVED it, I LOVE that you make this SO easy, on a busy summer day, w/ children, from home

I was feeling a little down and in desolation, After the prayer session, I felt so much better like something was lifted up. I praise and thank God forgiven me the gift of Consolation. I feel more joyful

Today, I cried during the prayer - “I love you Jesus”. It’s a grace and blessing to experience this.

Been suffering from deep depression, lack of self worth, helplessness. Each month I do these sessions, and I feel so much better after. 

I felt the Holy Spirit. I was so elated after the session. Before the session I was filled with anxiety and depression.

Before the session began, I was having racing thoughts about all that I am anxious about…as the session continued, I became relaxed and calm. When we prayed to forgive others, I began to cry. I also felt a tightness in my chest at one point, nothing major, and then it subsided… it’s an amazing experience.

I was very blessed. It was wonderful. I feel such a peace in my heart and home. Thank you so much for the deliverance prayers. They are helping me to have extraordinary graces. I am able to be in consolation more than I have in the past 17 years.

I felt a bit of a lift with the breaking of soul ties. It kind of surprised me. :)

Tonight I was so exhausted that I fell asleep but when Monsignor said about casting out demons of lethargy I actually woke up!

I had moments of intense healing tears, and I could feel the Holy Spirit at work…I have noticed a big change in my family and transformation within myself. Thank you so much for your ministry!

Years ago I was involved in freemasonry. When we said the renunciation of it, I kept tripping over the words. I find the forgiveness prayers the most needed for me.

Today I was crying almost throughout the whole thing, especially when we prayed “I am loved”. I can feel sense of peace now, thank you! God bless

I immediately felt uncomfortable and anxious and was tempted to leave the session. But I stuck with it and many prayers resonated. The priest provided prayers that hit every area needing deliverance and healing: forgiveness prayers, family healing, deliverance from curses and Masonic curses, etc. I felt some weight lifting in my chest and began to feel lighter.

Msgr Rossetti's like a holy factory reset button (I know he will laugh at this), but I look forward to the monthly deliverance sessions so much. I feel so much happier and lighter. God bless him and all at St Michael's Center

I found you in YouTube a few days ago and signed up for the deliverance. Lost for words, I experienced choking, gagging, crying, vomiting…I am exhausted and thankful. Thank you!

These sessions are more valuable than gold! Mon. Rossetti seems to pray exactly what I'm thinking & I know the Holy Spirit is with us. My life is so different & so much closer to God in Prayer since beginning to pray with you all 1.5yrs ago

When I started the session I was suffering from a headache I had most of the day. It strengthened as I got closer to the start of the session…I asked my Patron saints and the Blessed Mother to come help expel the evil so that I could participate in the session. I felt immediate relief.

I felt so connected to our Lord's love.

when Monsignor read the prologue to the Gospel of John the reality of God becoming man overwhelmed me. It was as if the Holy Spirit was a tidal wave of Truth.

I was surprised by tears at the rebuking of self-hatred. It was followed by a sweet peace and feeling of the tenderest mercies and love of our Lord Jesus.

It was my first time & I loved it. I even had some of my family members join. My family greatly needed this.