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Education and Training Center

for Movement and Wellness

Next 8 session program starts

Wednesday morning, January 31, 2024

Wellness and Weight Loss (WWL) - A Deeper Dive

Join us for this enormously successful live group program that meets every 2 weeks virtually! 

The overall themes in Wellness and Weight Loss continue in the WWL - A Deeper Dive:

  • Wellness strategies personally or professionally
  • Weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight
  • Learning simple lifestyle modifications to feel better
  • Building immune system resilience
  • Brain health related to memory, anxiety, and brain fog
  • Minimizing bone loss and muscle loss associated with aging

Plus new health and healing topics and more conversation to support and sustain improvements and positive changes.

Expand your knowledge and apply more strategies for optimal health and weight loss including diet/nutrition and lifestyle with a minimum commitment of only 3 hours per month. Each session is 90 minutes to maximize your wellness IQ to feel better, move better, think better, and sleep better.

By applying the model of our successful CDC-approved Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) plus our most popular continuing education courses for rehab professionals, these new Wellness and Weight Loss classes include the most effective strategies and helpful information based on participant reviews. Our 2019-2020 DPP group of 10 participants lost a grand total of 207# including losses over holidays! 

100% of our 2021, 2022, and 2023 WWL groups lost weight every class session, even with challenging events and holidays! Perhaps more importantly they reported making better food choices, feeling good, having more energy, clothes fitting better, and improvements in lab tests including cholesterol.

Popular highlights will continue to include sharing wins and successes, and actionable steps and information. Plus sessions will continue to include pearls for optimal weight control, optimal immune system response, and optimal brain health. Plus basic education and support for issues related to digestion, elimination, eating habits, and (of course!) exercise/activity/movement are woven throughout the program. Support is provided between sessions too!

Special addition to this 8 session program - Mindful Morning Movement! Learn and perform a series of 8 simple movement routines of 3-5 minutes each in sitting. By the end of WWL - A Deeper Dive, you will have a 30 minute personalized routine incorporating breathing, mobility, gentle strengthening, principles of Pilates and yoga, and brain training for neuroplasticity. (Very relevant for participating clinicians to share with patients!)

Less than $25 per session!

Pre-registration for the entire program is required.

If this program is not a fit for you in the first month,

you may request a full refund prior to the 3rd session.

 Accountability can be fun!

Join us for this live group program that meets every 2 weeks for 90 minutes virtually. This supportive group program saves you hundreds of dollars on comparable 1:1 wellness sessions valued at $1200 or more!

Register Now!

For optimal group interaction, seats are limited! 

Below the Professional Designation section, please be sure to check the box: "Yes, send my class materials and updates by email."

Are you a PT or OT professional

and would like continuing education credit for this program?

This is a new format and special opportunity to receive live and self-study credit for clinically relevant and evidence-informed health and wellness coursework, plus you will receive experience in motivational interviewing that is applicable to patient care! Complete all 8 live sessions of 90 minutes each and related self-study activities with post-tests at your convenience to receive a total of 16 hours of CE credit (12 live, 4 self-study) for only $275 (includes certificate fee).Register N

Schedule and topics * 

January 31: When and why weight loss stalls, staying positive

February 14: Digestion and absorbing nutrients, causes of gas and bloating

February 28: Gut microbiome "gardening", probiotics and prebiotics

March 13: Poop! Fiber, detox, constipation, low back pain

March 27: Eating challenges at home and away, your "why"

April 10: Decreasing pain without medications, osteoarthritis

April 24:  Support systems, curb those cravings     

May 8: Super review, measurements, and sustainability

* Sequence and content of topics may be subject to change.

If you are unable to attend these dates or times, a new self-study version may be an option for you!

Please email Sheryl at [email protected] for more information.

Register Now!


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 708.301.9933

Please join us for this supportive, live group program

every 2 weeks for 90 minutes virtually!


Rehab Connections' Wellness and Weight Loss programs

are developed and presented by Sheryl Poremba, PT, CCM.

Her 38+ years of clinical experience plus advanced training and

personal health journey bring numerous complementary resources

and approaches to this live group program.

Virtual location

You will receive a confirmation email with a URL.

Jan 31, 2024 08:30am - May 08, 2024 10:00am

For optimal group interaction, seats are limited! 

Below the Professional Designation section, please be sure to check the box: "Yes, send my class materials and updates by email."

$195.00 - $275.00