You don't want to miss this.

Jun 12

MWNN Community Conversation: Embracing Summer with Purpose

As the temperature rises, we get the chance to check in on our routines and priorities. Summer offers a natural break, inviting us to pause, recharge, and recalibrate. Led by MWNN Executive Director, Leah Parker-Moldover, this discussion will provide a space to explore your summer plans and how you and your organization can approach the season with intentionality.

Virtual location

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Jun 12, 2024 12:00pm - Jun 12, 2024 01:00pm


Take this chance to reflect on your current work,

identify your needs, and envision where you want

to be by the time autumn arrives.

Together, we'll explore strategies and offer support to ensure a smooth transition into the summer months.

Come ready to connect, share, and gain valuable insights!