You don't want to miss this.


Thursday, April 25, 2024, 7-8:30pm ET


The purpose of this short, introductory workshop is to begin to connect the dots between collective trauma (think the killing of innocent Black women and men) and the personal trauma that accompanies long-time activism.

For anti-racist activists, organizers, and change agents, the endless commitments to challenging the inequities of the status quo take their toll on our minds, hearts and souls. My observation as a trauma therapist AND long-time social justice activist is that few activists take time to do the work of trauma resolution; most lack awareness of the impact of chronic exposure to trauma. 

This introductory workshop is designed to increase awareness and begin to identify the work of defining trauma healing and integration. Participants will:

* Learn the definition of collective trauma and begin to identify the emotional, physical, spiritual impact on participants

* Become aware of trauma held in bodies from ongoing societal exposure to the assault of injustice

* Provide a safe environment to identify the grief of injustice

* Identify self-care actions that are trauma-informed and encouraged for self-healing

This intro workshop presents trauma-informed interventions to assist in emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being and balance.

Anita Arnold's entire life, both personal and professional, has been shaped by her Racial Justice Activism for 3+ decades. As a trauma therapist, she includes addressing the collective, societal trauma of systemic oppression as an integral aspect of the healing process. She believes that healing from trauma is relational and accomplished best in community. 

Anita utilizes a model of personal growth and trauma healing as a container for social justice development and change–both individually, in groups, and organizations.

Inspired by the work of Resmaa Menakem, and Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D., she supports that collective racial trauma is validated through the body and racialized trauma is addressed through somatic interventions.

Anita studied Family Therapy at the Multicultural Institute of Family Therapy; power dynamics were assessed for each family through the lens of racism, sexism, classism and heterosexism.

Anita is the co-founder and facilitator of the Racial Justice Witness Project. As a Reparations Activist, she organized a multi-racial group of racial justice educators and training facilitators for this project. The purpose of the project is to engage with white anti-racism activists in providing facilitated journeys to the Lynching Museum in Montgomery, Alabama. A primary outcome of the project is the development of an educational curriculum focused on Reparations. The project is grounded in the belief that interdependent humanity is a required outcome for the success of reparation projects.

She maintains a small private practice, and is in the process of forming groups for long-time racial justice activists, change agents and organizers who desire to heal the collective, and personal presence of trauma.

Anita lives in Sedona, Arizona and can be reached at[email protected]

About the Anti-Racist Community Network (ARCN)

We are building a pathway to the emerging anti-racist, multiracial society…

The ARCN is a multiracial, anti-racist online community working to achieve racial justice and end white supremacy through activism and organizing. Our members want to be actively networking against racism and white supremacy. Through education and activism, we are working together for real and lasting societal change.

The Anti-Racist Community Network is owned and operated by the Center for the Study of White American Culture, Inc. Founded in 1995, we are known in anti-racist circles. Our operating philosophy for ARCN is to create a big tent. If you are comfortable working under our explicit expectation that you support racial justice and building anti-racist multiracial community, then you are welcome and we invite you to come.

Member Policy

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color may join the ARCN with a complimentary equity membership. Click here if this applies to you.

White people who cannot afford the cost to join may apply for a scholarship. White people with the means to pay are asked to do so, and we also welcome People of Color who would like to support us in addition to your presence by enrolling in a paid membership plan.

The subscription plan with an annual plan is in place and you can sign up now. Click HERE.