This bonus workshop, 5 Steps to Family Harmony, is for struggling parents of 9 to 15-year-olds who want less conflict and more harmony.

If you resonate with this - then come to the workshop

Below are some questions to help you review your current struggles and see if this workshop would be helpful for you.

Which of these problem areas are you experiencing with your children?

  • Won’t participate in family activities
  • Is disrespectful to you and siblings
  • Argues about doing chores
  • Struggles with homework or school
  • Ignores rules 
  • Doesn’t take responsibility for actions
  • Uses social media, video games, texting too much
  • Not physically or socially active enough 
  • Friendship challenges, bullying, 
  • They won’t share what they are thinking, feeling, or doing

Steps to solving all of these struggles are included in this workshop.

It doesn’t matter HOW MANY of these challenges you have. What matters is HOW OFTEN you are experiencing them. The MORE you experience them, then the MORE STRESS you feel in your life. 

UNRESOLVED STRESS leads to unhappiness and disharmony in your home. 

How often do you experience each challenge with your children?

  • Always walking on eggshells 
  • 2 - 3xs a day
  • 1x a day 
  • 2 - 3xs a week
  • 1x a week

How would you feel to reduce the frequency by 50% or even 75%? You’ll learn steps in this workshop to do just that! 

So far, you’ve looked at what struggles you are having and how often they happen. You might be thinking that the problems have been happening so long that there is nothing you can do about it now. Perhaps you’re just waiting for your kids to “grow up” and improve on their own. Guess what? My parenting approach is especially great for long-time challenges so you’re in the right place. 

Ask yourself….

How long have these problems been happening?

Parents experience so many feelings when confronting challenging situations. Perhaps you are feeling: 

  • Overwhelmed
  • Stressed
  • Angry
  • Frustrated
  • Confused

  • Discouraged
  • Afraid
  • Manipulated
  • Hopeless
  • Ready to give up

Since your children are over 9 years old, I’m guessing you have read many books and tried many strategies and you still aren’t getting the positive results you were hoping for. How many of these strategies have you tried so far?

  • Discussing solutions
  • Asking nicely - “Please……” “Would you….”
  • Listening to feelings
  • Yelling or threatening with words such as, “If you don’t…..”
  • Using logical consequences
  • Taking things and privileges away
  • Telling how you feel to get sympathy
  • Telling them how disappointed you are with them in a variety of ways. Such as “Why didn’t you…” How many times….” “You should have known better.” 
  • Saying, “Work before Play” unsuccessfully
  • Saying, “How would you feel if…..” 

Do you wonder why your current approach isn’t working when so many educators tell you to do them? Are you open to a new approach? 

If you are ready to hear a unique approach that YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD BEFORE and are READY FOR CHANGE, join me on May 1.

I’m Family Happiness Expert Cynthia Klein. I’ve developed a step-by-step transformational system over 30 years of teaching and coaching hundreds of parents. In this workshop, you’ll be learning the unique and essential 5 steps to family harmony that only I talk about. In this workshop, I'll focus on how to transform conflict into cooperation with strong-willed children aged 9 to 15.  

Here are some exciting results parents are getting from following this step-by-step system. Each situation varies yet there is a fundamental concept that I hope you get from their stories.

THE KEY CONCEPT IS THIS: When the parents made positive changes in their thinking, beliefs, and actions, then the family dynamics improved dramatically. In other words, when the parents changed, the children changed in response. It’s not about controlling children, it’s about working with children. 

If you want to learn a unique approach to making your positive parenting changes so you reduce conflict and get more harmony, then register for my class, 5 Steps to Family Harmony, which is on May 1, from 12 to 1:30 pm PT. 

Dramatic Change Stories from Parents

“Learning how to work with my child rather than working against and controlling gets the results I want and makes us even feel good about one another. Thanks, Cynthia, for teaching me the Family Harmony System." Melissa, mother of a 9-year-old son

“I've made a new determination to go out with my son once a month, no matter what. I know my wife appreciates Cynthia getting through to me how important my son is to me. Sometimes it‘s easier to listen to an "expert" than to my wife.” Wenbin, father of a teenage son.

“Cynthia told me to stop pushing like the wind and instead use soft power of connecting like the sun. Because I followed her expert advice, I had an amazing experience right away that convinced me that she was right.” Charles, dad of two boys. 

“We’ve quickly learned how our language was creating rebellion in our 9 and 5-year-olds. We were thinking that our children are the problem. Their behavior was challenging, However, the problems started with how we talked to them. This shift in our beliefs led to a change in our language and greater family harmony.” Parents of kids 5 and 9. 


I have taught over 650 workshops with great success. I look forward to guiding you on your journey towards greater harmony in your home. I also hope you pass this workshop information to your school, workplace, and friends so they can also benefit from a tried-and-true approach to parenting with challenging children ages 9 to 15. 

One more story of kind words from a previous workshop attendee.

“I cannot thank you enough for your important and practical teaching today. You've done a really marvelous job in your workshop. Concepts are precise, to the point, loud and clear, and rules and ways to carry out are very friendly and practical to apply. You have established yourself as an expert in this field!” Shirley, mother of 2 teenagers 

I look forward to seeing you on May 1st! Invite your friends to register, too, so they don’t miss this life-changing parenting wisdom.


Cynthia Klein

Cynthia Klein’s mission is to contribute to World Peace and the family is the place to begin. As a certified parenting expert for over 30 years, parents learn how to communicate effectively by applying her Family Harmony System. Cynthia is the author of the highly acclaimed book Ally Parenting and her signature video-based program, Win, Win, Win Parenting. Cynthia currently presents workshops and private coaching online and in person. She has been featured on numerous podcasts, spoken in person at over 650 schools and organizations, successfully coached over 3000 private parenting sessions, and taught numerous online workshops. 

May 01

5 Steps to Family Harmony

This workshop is for struggling parents of 9 to 15-year-olds who want less conflict and more harmony in their family interactions. You'll learn the unique and time-proven step-by-step Family Harmony System developed over 30 years by Cynthia Klein so you can transform all areas of conflict into greater calm, cooperation, and mutual respect.
