You don't want to miss this.

Excel Essentials II


 Creating Advanced Formulas & Data Analysis

 Organizing Worksheet Data with Tables & Chart

 Using PivotTables, PivotCharts & Graphics

Enhancing Workbooks and Final Project

OPAC Testing Included

Tuesdays, September 17, 24, October 1 & 8, 2024

 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Fee: $355*

*Qualifying companies can send employees for a discounted rate of $149 - for 4-days of training through the Employment Training Program (ETP) funded by the Employment Training Tax. Program Information...

Training Institute @ 700 Van Ness

700 Van Ness Ave.

Basement, Suite 016

Fresno, CA 93721

View on Map

Untitled Design


Brandon Moody

  • Boost your EXCEL skills with a half-day workshop
  • Become more productive and efficient with your spreadsheets
  • Strengthen the visual impact of your numerical data
  • Learn new things about EXCEL that you didn't know were even possible

Creating Advanced Formulas & Data Analysis:

  • Utilizing range names in formulas and functions.
  • Exploring specialized functions (text, logical, lookup, date, financial).
  • Advanced data analysis techniques using Excel functions.
  • Benefits of advanced formulas for time-saving and error reduction.

Organizing Worksheet Data with Tables & Charts:

  • Creating and modifying tables for efficient data organization.
  • Sorting and filtering data within tables.
  • Using subtotal features for in-depth data analysis.
  • Application of database functions for data manipulation.
  • Creating and formatting charts to visualize data effectively.
  • Advanced charting techniques including trend lines and custom chart formatting.

Using PivotTables, PivotCharts & Graphics:

  • Creating PivotTables for dynamic data analysis.
  • Filter data using slicers to enhance interactivity.
  • Analyzing data visually with PivotCharts.
  • Inserting, modifying, layering, and grouping graphical objects.
  • Incorporating SmartArt to visually represent concepts and ideas.

Enhancing Workbooks, Class Project & OPAC Testing:

  • Customizing workbooks with themes and templates.
  • Managing themes to maintain consistency across workbooks.
  • Creating and utilizing templates for efficiency in workbook creation.
  • File protection techniques to secure sensitive data.
  • Preparing workbooks for different audiences (e.g., printing, sharing).
  • Integration of all learned skills through a comprehensive class project.
  • OPAC Testing.


Celia Zamora

[email protected]
