You don't want to miss this.

EAN 2024 Network Gatherings

EAN will be hosting two Network events in 2024.

EAN Annual Summit: September 18, 2024 at Bolton Valley Resort

EAN Post-Election Gathering: December 3, 2024 at Capitol Plaza in Montpelier

Tickets and Pricing

  • Save money by purchasing a discounted combined ticket for attendance at both events! Combined tickets are $250 until August 30, rising to $275.
  • Single tickets for the September 18 summit are $150 until August 30, and $175 thereafter
  • (Single tickets for December 3 will be available in the fall for $150-175)


EAN members and public sector partners (including legislators) can use a promo code if summit fees are beyond what your employer can pay, though full payment by those who are able to pay make the Summit possible for all. Sponsors should also use a code for free registration.

The self-explanatory promo codes are:

  • FREE