You don't want to miss this.

Discerning Missional Leadership (DML) Assessment (ONLINE)

The online DML will take place over the course of 5 weeks (meeting Wednesdays). Below are the dates for those gatherings:


October 30 - Noon – 4:30 Eastern

November 6 – Noon – 4:30 Eastern

November 13 – Noon – 4:30 Eastern

November 20 – Noon – 7:00 Eastern (Don’t worry. You won’t be on Zoom for the entire 7 hours!)

(no gathering the week of Thanksgiving)

December 4 – Noon – 3:30 Eastern


*The Zoom link for these gatherings will be sent to you as we get closer to the start date*

Discerning Missional Leadership Assessments are an important part of your development, because faithful and self-aware leaders propel new worshiping communities forward. 


During the Missional Leadership Assessment, you will work in teams of people going through the same process. You will take part in spiritual reflection and missional theological reflection about your context in ministry, do some team-work exercises, get insights

on your leadership style, and take part in an in-depth behavioral interview process.


Our goal is to hold up a mirror to you that allows you to see your gifts and goals clearly, and to also know the kind of people you might want around you as you pursue a new thing. All participants will leave with concrete advice about next steps and a recommendation from the assessment team of, “it’s a fit; it’s not a fit; or it’s a potential fit in the future.”


Once you have registered, you will receive an email with detailed instructions regarding questionnaires, references, and other written materials you will need to complete prior to the event. These materials are typically due one month before the event starts.

Registration Fees:

Regular Registration: $675 

Couple Registration: $775

Full-time Seminary Students (Non-DMin): $325

Full-time Seminary Couple (Non-DMin): $425

*You will not be required to make a payment during registration. We do ask however, that you provide the name and contact information of the sponsoring entity who will pay for your registration. Our finance and accounting office will issue an invoice.*