
Saturday, April 6th, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:15 PM PDT


Hillside Church 

545 Hillsdale Ave

San Jose, CA 95136  


David Z-Johnson 

Copenbarger & Copenbarger LLP 


[email protected] 

2024 Hillside Church Estate Planning Seminar

God blesses us and calls us to be wise stewards of all He has entrusted us. Protecting a family’s future is a vital part of that stewardship. Our law firm can help you sort out complicated and sometimes confusing estate planning choices. Over the past 40+ years, we have conducted more than 3,000+ seminars. Every attendee will learn valuable information that will enable them to make educated decisions to protect their family and their legacy.

We all want what’s best for our families and we desire to protect our financial resources, as well as our legacies. Whether you are a single individual who needs a plan for yourself in the event of an emergency or a family with minor children who understands the importance of having the final word concerning your children, this seminar is a must!

If you have adolescent children and elderly parents, an estate plan that is carefully tailored to your family can provide your children with the opportunity to become independent adults while protecting your parents from personal, medical, and financial mismanagement.

As a senior adult, living in your “Golden Years,” a custom plan to protect your legacy from money pits such as probate, nursing home costs and unnecessary taxes is essential.

Everyone will be given an opportunity to schedule a free estate planning appointment, held several days after the seminar. Please bring your calendar with you so that you can schedule your free consultation. These spots fill up quickly!

Too often, people put their estate planning of for years, thinking they “will get around to it someday.” We at Copenbarger & Copenbarger understand. It’s not an easy thing to do. We are here to help. If you would like to learn more, this free and informative seminar is for you!