"Listening inwardly to your heart-felt Yes

and creating through Expressive Art"

New 6-week program

“Another name for this Yes is my Sacred Yes. I sense this Yes in my belly (gut instinct), I feel it in my heart, and I hear it in my head. When it shows up, I feel like I have almost no choice whether to follow it. This is the “Yes” that simply feels true. To go against it would be inauthentic” -Excerpt From Life Loves You by Louise Hay & Robert Holden

It seems at this time, on the planet, we are called to rise higher, to send Love, prayers, light to our world, communities, environment, situations and circumstances, and to address any challenges inside ourselves that needs some balancing and loving.

 For me Art making has always been a Prayer, a sacred place to commune with God, Spirit, and my inner wisdom. 


This Fall, I am creating a 6-week program focused on Art as a Prayer.


In this program you will have the opportunity to journal and engage in an ongoing Prayer Art practice that is easy, does not take much time or supplies, and that you can do anywhere.  I call this method of Art Making an “Active Meditation”. I have been doing this kind of Prayer Art practice, in many forms, for years.  It has been my sacred place I go to, and, I can show up no matter how I am…. angry , upset, excited, in pain, feeling great, working on a new idea or project, etc…..  I can express whatever is present, no matter what it is, and when I am complete, I usually walk away feeling a shift in my consciousness, that I am seen, heard, held, loved and experiencing an alignment with Spirit. The bonus is I usually walk away with some profound wisdoms and directions; that a prayer has been answered, and I am blown away each and every time at the mystery, healing powers and service that this type of Art Making provides.


No Experience Necessary or required- All are welcome!!


? Six 3-hour "Sacred Yes" online sessions

? Art Journal and a set of water soluble oil pastels

? The book or audio "Life Loves You" by Louise Hay & Robert Holden

? Email access and support

? Private Facebook group

?Weekly emails with poems, inspirations, quotes, prompts and photos

? Each weeks session will be recorded and available

? Additional bonuses, resources and some surprises!

Listen to Alanna talk about how when she actively Creating in a practice makes a difference in Life and she is more in touch with her intuition and inner guidance. Her life seems to be flowing in a different way and she can take what ever is happening in her world into her art and process it there.

Listen to Amy talk about how through Creative Arts she has been able to flourish and access information in a different way than in her day-to-day world. We talked about how Creativity is a Mystery and through the mystery, miracles get witnessed.

2024 Sacred YES

"Listening inwardly to your heart-felt Yes

and creating through Expressive Art"


Dates: Tuesday Mornings

January 23rd thru February 27th

Times:11:00 AM to 2:00 PM PT

(ending time approx.)

Investment: $1250

 Space is Limited 10 participants


No Experience Necessary or required- All are welcome!!

Melody talks about how creativity allows her to be in love with live. And how that allows her to participate in her life in new way and insights. She gets to explore new things which comes from the practice of creativity. And how she can pour that Love and Creativity in everything she does.

John talks about the freedom, loving support, and openness he has gained by being in programs at Playful Art Studio, where he has the freedom to take the mediums to the outer limits and explore. It has given him the awareness and knowing in life when he is at his outer limits, he has the opportunity to learn and gain what the world has to present to him.

The big question is whether you are going to be able to say

a hearty yes to your adventure.- Joseph Campell

Look for more exciting new happenings at Playful Art Studio in 2024

  • Prayer Art Practice Monday Morning - details coming soon
  • Creativity UnLeashed Podcast with Helen Bradley and Daniel Bonney
  • Living the Artist Way - Coaching Program
  • Introducing Helen Bradley Art.
  • And Much more to come...............

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Please reach out to me if you would like to register for any of the upcoming Playful Art Studio programs or talk about a coaching package, or even create a personal retreat. I am happy to set up a conversation with you about how I can support you and your creativity! 

Helen Bradley DSS

Certified Expressive Art Facilitator 

Professional Transformational Creativity Coach 

[email protected]

(323) 819-9996

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