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Sunday Morning Hospitality

The VUU Coffee Team is always happy to welcome new volunteers. You can sign up for one Sunday a month or every other month - whatever fits your schedule. Current team members often trade dates when our schedules demand, and we are happy to train and mentor new members. You won’t have to do it alone!

Contact Heather Monk at [email protected] or Laura Rohlfing at [email protected] for more information. To volunteer, follow this link to the Coffee Team Sign Up Genius page.

Snack donations are always welcome!! Fruit, veggies, nuts, cookies, cupcakes, vegan, gluten free - anything you think VUU friends would enjoy.  

To make it easy to serve and eat, it’s easiest for everyone if snacks don’t need to be cut and plated.

No need to sign up, just bring it with you to church on Sunday morning and put it in the kitchen—we’ll do the rest. THANKS!!


Love flower arranging? Each Sunday a flower arrangement is donated by a volunteer for the service in the sanctuary. VUU needs a flower donation from a volunteer for the first and fourth Sunday and also for the five fifth Sundays of the year. Please contact Pat Flahart for more information: 480-983-6829.  Leave a message and I will call you with the necessary details.

Peace, Pat Flahart, VUU Flower Coordinator

USHERING - A Great Way to Meet People!

Valley UU has many opportunities for you to get to know other congregants and meet new ones. One such activity is ushering on Sunday mornings. Volunteering as an usher is great because it is a way to add value to our community with very little time commitment - i.e. The usual commitment is one recurring week per month (1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday, etc.) but there is room for all levels of involvement. if you can’t commit to a specific recurring week, floaters are always needed. 

Ushers do various tasks on Sunday morning: greet people in the lobby, prepare the joys and concerns candles, count people, count money, take collection, make sure the aisles are clear, etc. If interested, please email [email protected]