
January 2024

Big Bend Area Health Education Center (AHEC)

The Perfect Partnership


Advantage Aging Solutions is pleased to announce that Big Bend Area Health Education Center (AHEC) will be managing all of our Health Promotion and Disease Prevention programming beginning in 2024. They will continue to reach our entire 14 county service area delivering evidence based programs recognized by the National Council on Aging and the State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs. These programs include: Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP), A Matter of Balance, Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP), Powerful Tools for Caregivers, and Program to Encourage Active Rewarding Lives (PEARLS).


AHEC’s mission is to provide health education and promote partnerships to improve community health, focusing on underserved, rural, and minority populations. All of the programs are led by trained lay leaders and/or master trainers, and are free of charge to participants age 60 and older under the federal Older Americans Act. Programs are offered in-person or virtually, depending on the program developer’s guidelines. To learn more about our local Big Bend AHEC, please visit https://bigbendahec.org/


If you are interested in more information on any of these programs,

please contact AHEC at 850-224-1177.  

Medicare Moments

Call for Volunteers...We Need You!


Every January seems to bring fresh possibilities, personal resolutions, and promises to ourselves to do something new and different. . .perhaps that could include volunteering for a worthwhile cause!


Here’s a possibility to consider!

If you have a yearning to help others, enjoy working with seniors, and like to explore information and solve problems, The SHINE Program may be just what you’re looking for.

SHINE stands for SERVING HEALTH INSURANCE NEEDS OF ELDERS and is looking for special people like you to serve as volunteer Medicare Counselors. SHINE is a volunteer-based program that provides free and unbiased Medicare counseling to area seniors. There are no sales involved.



Medicare is complicated, and for that reason, many of our seniors need the helping hand of a SHINE Counselor to make sense of all the information Medicare makes available to them. This

helps ensure that seniors obtain the best possible health insurance coverage for their individual health needs. For nearly 35 years, SHINE Counselors have demonstrated that their services are not just valuable, but also necessary.


What if I’m curious or interested?

All you have to do is reach out to our SHINE Liaison, Chris Polzer, who’ll be happy to answer your questions, explain the training and mentoring process, and any other who, what, where, why and how.

Chris is available Monday through Friday at chrisp@aaanf.org or 850-739-5939. You can also visit the SHINE website at www.floridashine.org.

New Year, New Staff

Meet our newest staff members

Advantage Aging Solutions has a few new staff members we’d like to introduce to you!

Our new Information and Referral Specialist, Donna K, started with us this past June. She is a mother of 3 wonderful, college-aged children and has been recently ordained as minister. She is also the former publisher of a natural and holistic health magazine. Donna has two degrees from Florida State University, graduating in 1990 and again in 1995. She has chosen to work in the aging field so that she may be of service to our senior and disabled population in Tallahassee. She has a fun fact for you: she's sailed on a 52’ ketch from Miami to the Virgin Islands just for the adventure of it!

Our next spotlight is Juanita T. and she started in our Human Resource Department this past December. She has 2 amazing children and 5 grandchildren who are truly a blessing. She also has another granddaughter on the way. Juanita graduated with a degree in Computer Network Administration from Keiser College. She enjoys going to church, spending time with family, and walking. She also has a love for cooking and helps feed the less fortunate in our community.

Last but not least, is Kristen C., who is our new Accounting Specialist. She started with AAS in March of 2023. Kristen is a long-time resident of Tallahassee and a proud parent to a teenager about to graduate high school. She also has a furry, lovable Pitbill, named Charlie. Kristen understands caregiving needs first hand, as she cares for elderly mother. Kristen also has an amazing story. After facing a physical setback that prevented her from walking for five years, she underwent two hip replacements and triumphantly regained her ability to walk independently. This life-altering journey taught her the importance of perseverance, resilience, and the determined spirit of the human will.

We welcome all our new staff members to the Advantage Aging Solutions team! 

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