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We live in a world where our identities are not always celebrated and we continue to face violence and discrimination. These posters were created to remind the world that we are valid. Together we will continue to express ourselves and our love with no shame. 

This is who I am. This is who we are. 

Together, all our beautiful, individual qualities shine to create one rainbow. 

Across the sky in a celebratory dance. 

Let us move through the world with our pride. 

Queer Art is Life 

Queer Art is Healing 

Queer Art is Sunshine 

Queer Art is Nature

Queer Art is Magic 

Queer Art is Peace

The Rainbow Pride flag was created in 1978 by Gilbert Baker. The flag was co-created with Baker’s friend Faerie Argyle Rainbow. The flag quickly became a symbol for the LGBTQIA+ community and has since been adapted to include Black and Brown communities (sometimes referred to as the Philadelphia pride flag), and recently updated to include intersex

(this version is sometimes referred to as the progress pride flag). 

Each color of the pride flag has a specific meaning and importance. A declaration that being Queer is something to be celebrated. These colors reflect the diversity of our community. 

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About Treehouse Shakers

The Deepest Breath

School Programming


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The Deepest Breath

December 3, 2023 @ 1:00pm

December 6 & 7, 2023 @ 10:30am

Click for Tickets

The Deepest Breath, based on the book by Meg Grehan, adapted and directed by Cheyenne Mesura, with choreography by Ashley Chavonne, is a story that centers on Stevie, a young girl reckoning with anxiety about the many things she has yet to understand and why she gets a fizzy feeling in her stomach when she looks at her friend Chloe. Stevie begins to discover more about the world and herself through this journey of acceptance and self-love. Performed by 4 performers, the play is part of THS' larger initiative to center programming specifically for LGBTQIA+ youth. The Deepest Breath is a deeply moving story that will be a place for young people to see themselves reflected in a positive light.

Want To Book This Show for Your Community? Email Us At [email protected]

Treehouse Shakers' Branching OUT is our initiatives to support LGBTQIA+ young people and provide services to the community. From After-School programs, to new performance works, to in-school Arts in Education services, and more. Check back often. to see new program listings.

Branching OUT After-School Programs

Treehouse Shakers’ Branching OUT After-School program is for ages 12-14. This awarded program is for young people who identify as LGBTQIA+, or are seeking to become better allies. Branching OUT centers on discovering and exploring one’s story and identity through an intentionally artist-led format. During our community-based program, young people will explore and reflect on their own story to create a larger, more meaningful experience, while gaining self-empowerment and gathering with like-minded peers. Through the guidance of our awarded teaching artists, young people will create narratives that will be turned into podcasts, dances, songs or poetry. 

Young people have the opportunity to learn new art forms, work with professional artists, while building a meaningful community.

If interested in signing up, and finding out more about the program contact us

Coming Soon! Treehouse Shakers' Documentary Branching OUT!

Featuring Queer stories from across the generations.