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Welcome to a place that welcomes you.

AdventELCyouth is a place that combines eating food, making friends, having fun, all while exploring faith in Jesus Christ.

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6-12 Graders Meet Most School Year Sundays from 12:30–2:00pm

Elementary Age Youth Meet Once a Month on a Weeknight

y² » Grades 1-5

Young Youth, better known as y² , meets once a month on a select Wednesday night from 6:30-8:00 p.m. This is for youth 1st - 5th grades.

During this time, youth get to know each other, play games, and have a lot of fun! They learn about God and how the Lord exists in their everyday lives.

The y² group is also involved in service projects. We do an annual Valentine distribution project, and we help to lead a service during the season of Lent.

The Prayer Buddy Program is another important feature available to our y² group. Each y² youth is paired with a more mature member of the congregation for one year. The y² youth and their Prayer Buddy pray for each other throughout the year. Sponsors help the youth with questions to ask their Prayer Buddy so they can get to know them better. Each year the y² youth has a different Prayer Buddy. The program runs from October-May and concludes with the Prayer Buddy Banquet.

Contact Marcy Layne for more information on this great group!

We hope you can come!

Confirmation » Grades 6-8

We meet each Sunday from 12:30-2:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall during the school year, unless otherwise noted. Confirmation occurs on Reformation Day, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of the month of October annually.

The Confirmation program is three years long, usually during the 6-8th grade years, with a three year rotation of subjects of learning about the Bible, Luther's Small Catechism, and Lifelong Discipleship. This year our focus will be on the Discipleship centered around exploring the theme Created to Be.

We love to go to camp! Camping brings people together to experience Christ through natural settings and programs. Our home camp is Hopewood Pines at LMC. Through our Friday–Sunday Winter Retreat and our week long Summer Camp, campers will build stronger relationships and learn about faith, while engaging in camp activities, including: 40-foot climbing tower, zip line, three high ropes course elements, archery, hiking, cooking over a fire, and arts & crafts.

Campers will be assigned to a cabin counselor. You will swim, worship, and participate in team builders. Confirmation camp allows church leadership to spend time with their youth and enhance their confirmation programs. Pastor Aaron will be at the camp for the week as well.

Contact Pastor Aaron Layne for more information on this great group!

We hope you can come!

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Sr. High » Grades 9-12

As followers of Jesus we explore life through love, openness, and respect of each other as a community.

What makes our Youth Group different than any other club at school or in the community is Jesus. We talk about Jesus, who He is and what a relationship with Him looks like. We love fun, food, friends, and faith... and we hope that you'll come and enjoy all those things with us!

We also go to camp! See the details up in the Confirmation post above.

We go on mission trips in the summer, attend the ELCA Youth Gathering, go to worship at Jacob's Porch, and retreats at Capital University and Wittenberg University. 

Contact Marcy Layne for more information on this great group!

We hope you can come!

We are stronger and better together, so sometimes we'll team up the 6-12 graders for service projects, Cedar Point/Kings Island trips, and so on and so forth. To stay up to date on larger group events and ministries, you'll want to be a part of this chat.

Forms Can Be Fun!

(but probably aren't. sorry. we still need them)

Sunday Lunch Sign Up

Please review the available slots and click on the button to sign up. Provide food for around 20 People. We do need gluten, corn, and yeast free options for two people. Please check with Pastor or Marcy Layne before your upcoming Sunday to ensure Sunday's needs. Thank you!

Registration, Permission Emergency Contact Form

Help us help you!

This REQUIRED form ensures Advent has the necessary guidance and permission to provide a safe and enriching experience for your child in our youth group activities.


Sign & Drive

We are going to need drivers for some events and ministries we'll be taking part in. Great news! You can help and be a part of it all! Parents click below to be a driver today!

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Here's Our 2024

⇩ Youth Gathering Recap Video ⇩

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