2024 Summer Faith Formation Curriculum

School curriculum is wrapping up, and summer classes are on the horizon! Just like last year, we'll merge classes to have three instead of six. This year, we're cutting summer to eight weeks, so that we align our calendar with local schools' schedules. The summer program will be from June 2 to July 21, with Water Fun Day on July 21. The new school year will begin on July 28.

We are looking for volunteers to help in the classrooms this summer. Please sign up here.

UU Emotions - Pre-K–1st Grade

Explore big emotions with books by Tom Percival. Curriculum includes a craft and/or activity that relates to the topic.

Culture Company - 2nd–5th Grade

Travel around the world, getting stamps in your very own passport. Learn about the cultures and histories of Australia, Ghana, India, Brazil, Morocco, and Greece.

Eat Around the World - Middle and High School

Gain an appreciation of the cultures of China, Ethiopia, and India through the lens of food. This curriculum includes cooking and eating food every other week. On alternating weeks, youth will learn about the racism these cultures experience, with a particular emphasis on food-related racism.