Questions & Answers

About the Project in 2024

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St. Peter Church has blessed us, healed us,

baptized our babies, sealed marriages,

carried us through storms

and helped us say goodbye to our dearest loved ones.

It is so much bigger than we are.

This church built in 1893,

still lives and breathes and loves us all

with a powerful soul.


Today our church needs our help.

Renovations and Repairs Capital Campaign 2023

As of February 1, 2024, we have exceeded our $2.6 million target.

105% with over $2.7 million. Thank you for your generosity.

We are an active and vibrant congregation that has been blessed with a beautiful Church located in the heart of Uptown Charlotte. 

Our church building was built in 1893. Although we understand and believe that our parishioners are “our Church,” we know the Church provides us a sanctuary of peace and a refuge for practicing our faith. We have a responsibility to safeguard and preserve this historic structure.

With that in mind, we are undertaking an effort to renovate and repair the church building at St. Peter. 

This project includes:

  • replacing the flooring (original to the building)
  • repairing the ceiling (original to the building)
  • refinishing and repairing the pews (original to the building)
  • updating the audio system and enhancing the acoustics
  • updating the lighting
  • updating the electrical system

To fund this undertaking, we initiated the Renovations & Repairs Capital Campaign to obtain pledges of approximately $2.6 million by December 3, 2023.

Your pledge ensures the church building continues to serve as the home of St. Peter parish into 2073 and beyond.

Thank you for your prayers for the success of this Capital Campaign and for your commitment of financial support.  

The Renovations and Repairs project will begin and be completed in 2024.

Our plan is to begin the renovations and repairs in early May 2024 and conclude by early September 2024.

This time frame was selected to reduce the disruption to parish activities

Questions & Answers

The question everyone is asking:

Where will I attend Mass when the church is closed in 2024?

We plan to remain ‘on-site’ by celebrating Mass in Benedict Hall, which has a capacity of 200.

This is sufficient for our daily and weekend evening Masses. On Sunday mornings, we plan to schedule three or four Masses rather than our regular two Masses. 

It is critical that we hold our parish community together while the Church is unavailable due to renovations.


We may explore the possibility of other venues for special occasions. Obviously, Mass in Benedict Hall will be different in many respects from Mass in our Church. We hope we can use this short period of inconvenience, which is necessary to preserve our Church, to draw closer to one another.

About the Project in 2024

We have established two primary goals to restore St. Peter church to its original soundness and preserve it for future generations:

1. Ensure building resiliency


Ensure the sanctuary continues to serve as the home of St. Peter parish into 2073 and beyond.

  • Replace tin ceiling in the sanctuary.
  • Repair historic tin ceiling below balcony and narthex.
  • Replace hard wood floors (including subfloor and select structural upgrades).
  • Ensure exterior weather tightness, including bell tower painting and repairs.



2. Enrich the worship experience


Enhance the worship environment for all parishioners and visitors.

  • Restore the pews (which were a gift from Katharine Drexel in 1910).
  •  Improve sound/acoustics in the sanctuary (and the overflow in Biss Hall).
  • Retrofit the lighting.
  •  Improve heating and cooling in building.



Ensure welcoming levels of access while maintaining physical security.

  • Optimize the entry sequence.
  • Ensure universal access for worship.
  • Maintain occupant health, safety, welfare

Pledge Guide

A pledge is a promise a supporter makes to donate a certain amount at a specified time. Suggested pledges are for a 36-month period.

If you have questions about ways to pledge or require a different form (such as the stock donation form), email [email protected]

Complete a pledge form. Options include:

  • Check
  • Stock donation
  • Qualified charitable distributions
  • Donor advised funds
  • eGiving/WeShare

Instructions for each method are included on the back of the pledge form.

All gifts to the Renovations and Repairs Capital Campaign are tax deductible to the fullest extent provided by the law.

3-year pledge guide

Suggested pledges over a 36-month period.

History of St. Peter Catholic Church

Listen to the video series created by St. Peter Sages:

Part 1 - History of St. Peter Catholic Church (90 minutes)

Part 2 - History of St. Peter Catholic Church (90 minutes)

Part 3 - History of St. Peter Catholic Church (90 minutes) | St. Peter Catholic Church, 507 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202