Statement on Viral Video of UC Davis Employee

A statement from UC Davis News and Media Relations on June 25, 2024.

We are aware of a widely circulated video in which a university employee makes a number of offensive statements. We condemn these statements as deeply hurtful. While the employee’s comments are protected by the First Amendment, they do not reflect the values of respect and belonging that form the foundation of our campus community.

June 20 Statement From Chancellor Gary S. May on Encampment

A statement from UC Davis News and Media Relations on June 20, 2024.

UC Davis is committed to providing a campus that is inclusive and as safe as possible. At the same time, we embrace our responsibility to cultivate an environment that allows the university community to engage in work and activities in accordance with the highest standards of freedom of expression and independent thought.

May 15 UC Davis Statement on Encampment

A statement from UC Davis News and Media Relations on May 15, 2024.

On Monday, May 13, UC Davis leaders met with students representing the encampment, known as PULP (Popular University for the Liberation of Palestine), on the Memorial Union Quad.

Statement From Chancellor Gary S. May on Encampment Set Up This Morning

A statement from Chancellor Gary S. May published by UC Davis News and Media Relations on May 6, 2024.

UC Davis is committed to a safe and peaceful campus environment that respects our community’s right to free expression while maintaining our educational and research mission without disruption.

United in support of LGBTQ+ Health and our Employees

A message from UC Davis Health leadership shared on April 30, 2024.

Accommodations for our campus communities during Passover

The Jewish holiday of Passover commemorates the exodus of Jews from two centuries of slavery in Egypt. This year, Passover begins at sundown on April 22 and ends after nightfall on April 30.  We would like to wish the Jewish community within UC Davis and beyond a Passover filled with hope, compassion, and community and honor that the liberation of enslaved Jews so many centuries ago continues today to represent freedom and collective resilience for many peoples.


Considerations for our campus communities: During Passover, “Chametz”, any food product derived of wheat, barley, rye, oats, or spelt, are to be avoided. We encourage campus units to consider these restrictions when providing meals during this time.


Resource from UC Davis Student Housing and Dining Services.

Give Day is April 19-20, 2024

Consider contributing to the LGBT Community Health Education Fund that supports educational efforts like the Improving OUTcomes Conference (now accepting speaker and exhibitor interest

forms) and the PRIDE Employee Resource Group Initiatives Support (with registration for the 2024 PRIDE March now open). More information about Give Day.

Improving OUTcomes 2024-2025: Now accepting speaker and exhibitor interest

The Improving OUTcomes planning committee is now accepting Speaker and Exhibitor interest for the Improving OUTcomes Conference, "Crosswalk: Intersectionality and the Social Determinants of LGBTQ+ Health".

Did you know April is Employee Giving Month? Consider contributing to the LGBT Community Health Education Fund to continue future conferences in support of LGBTQ+ health.

A message from the Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion during Ramadan

Yesterday, Sunday, March 10, 2024 marked the beginning of Ramadan for the Muslim community and continues through April 9, 2024.


During this time of spiritual growth and reflection, Muslims worldwide will fast from food and water from dawn to sunset. In support of our patients, faculty, employees, students, and community members we would like to share the following resources for awareness, care, and guidance around accommodations to consider when hosting gatherings and/or meetings where food is provided during this time.



President Drake announces launch of the University of California's first Systemwide Office of Civil Rights

The Systemwide Office of Civil Rights – composed of the existing Systemwide Title IX Office, a new Systemwide Anti-Discrimination Office, and a new Systemwide Disability Rights Office – will provide systemwide guidance and support on issues related to protecting civil rights at UC’s 10 campuses, medical centers, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and the UC Office of the President.

The office will work to ensure uniform interpretation and implementation of comprehensive and consistent UC policies and provide leadership, training, education, and investigative support for UC offices responsible for protecting all civil rights.

Happy Lunar New Year 2024 from Chancellor May

Chancellor May and Kat Parpana, Director of the UC Davis Strategic Asian and Pacific Islander Retention Initiative, wish our communities a prosperous 2024. We encourage you to come and celebrate as a campus community on February 15th.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27 is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It marks the 78th anniversary of the

liberation of Auschwitz from Nazi hands and was established by the United Nations to remember the six

million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and millions of other people from targeted minoritized groups.

This day also serves as a reminder of the devastating effects of hate and bigotry if left unchecked.

UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D. Opening Remarks at November 15 Regents Meeting

Published by UC Office of the President on November 15 with Clarification November 30, 2023.

"The intense violence in the Middle East has left many thousands dead, injured, and many millions traumatized. The human price has continued to grow. The incalculable suffering we see and read about has affected people around the world. It has spread into communities everywhere, including our own campuses – as we heard so clearly during public comment. I appreciate hearing from members of our community – I know sharing your thoughts and feelings on this topic publicly is not an easy task and can come with risk."

Chancellor May Joins President Drake and UC Chancellors in Condemning Bigotry

Published by UC Office of the President on November 10, 2023.

"We write today to condemn the alarming, profoundly disappointing acts of bigotry, intolerance, and intimidation we have seen on our campuses over these past several weeks. It is our shared responsibility to maintain a sense of community where everyone feels safe and welcome".

UC Davis Campus Leadership Reaffirms the Principles of Community

Published by UC Davis News and Media Relations on November 8, 2023.

Chancellor Gary S. May and other UC Davis leaders discussed the importance of fostering a campus community founded on connection, mutual respect and kindness, even as external events create challenges. Chancellor May and other university leaders reaffirmed UC Davis’ Principles of Community, which underlie a learning and research environment in which people can be their authentic selves and contribute to the university and beyond.

A message from AVC Ton against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia

From Hendry Ton, M.D., M.S on November 1, 2023.

"Last week, Chancellor May called on all of us to 'collectively stand against all forms of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, as well as anti-Israeli and anti-Arab sentiment'. He challenged each of us to 'reach out and dig deep into our reserves of empathy and compassion for one another'."

Checking In With Chancellor May: Standing With You

From Chancellor Gary S. May on October 20, 2023.

"Let me be unequivocal: Hate has no place at UC Davis. We must collectively stand against all forms of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, as well as anti-Israeli and anti-Arab sentiment. I issue a challenge to every member of our community to reach out and dig deep into your reserves of empathy and compassion for one another. We take any acts of hate or bias seriously."

Statement from Chancellor May on Comments Attributed to Faculty Member

From UC Davis News and Media Relations on October 19, 2023.

I absolutely condemn the posts attributed to a UC Davis faculty member that recently appeared on the social media platform X. I find the comments revolting in every way, and I disagree wholeheartedly with them.

UC Davis rejects all forms of violence and discrimination, as they are antithetical to the values of our university. We strive to foster a climate of equity and justice built on mutual understanding and respect for all members of the community.

When we receive a complaint that a faculty member has engaged in conduct that may violate the Faculty Code of Conduct, we review the matter in accordance with our established policies and procedures for handling faculty discipline. These processes are confidential personnel matters that we are not permitted to share with the public, but we can confirm that the provost will refer this matter to the appropriate campus departments that investigate harassment, discrimination and faculty conduct, in consultation with legal counsel regarding First Amendment rights.

Some have asked why this faculty member continues to be employed at UC Davis. The University of California system has specific procedures for the review of complaints of faculty misconduct consistent with universitywide policies and bylaws. The status of complaints lodged against faculty members are confidential personnel matters, so we are unable to publicly comment on the steps we are taking.

The public expression of opinions, even those opinions considered controversial or abhorrent, enjoy a high level of protection under the First Amendment. We are carefully reviewing this matter to ensure our response is consistent with universitywide policy and state and federal constitutional protections.



Media contact:

Statement on the Terrorist Attacks on Israeli Citizens and the Violence in the Gaza Strip

From Chancellor Gary S. May on October 10, 2023.

To the Aggie Community:

Our community is reeling and in pain from the terror and escalating violence we are witnessing in Israel and in the Gaza Strip. Especially horrific is the use of hostages and the great losses of both Israeli and Palestinian civilian lives. We stand in support of our Jewish and Muslim communities. We deeply mourn this catastrophic loss of life and the destruction of many families and futures.

I write to share today’s statement from the University of California President Michael V. Drake and UC Board of Regents Chair Richard Leib and to join in their condemnation of the attacks and horrific loss of civilian lives.

Many Aggies have family and loved ones in the regions and nations in conflict and have shared with me their pain, grief and anger. I encourage anyone in our community to take advantage of the many support systems we have at UC Davis.  

When any type of crisis impacts our community, our campus activates immediately. Our first priority is to evaluate and reach out directly to faculty, staff, students or scholars who may be in danger or need immediate support. We proactively contact our centers, units, departments and partner organizations serving the communities impacted to help identify any needs and connect them with support resources.

We must stand as a collective Aggie community to uphold our values of kindness, compassion and empathy. We must also remain vigilant against any mistreatment of fellow Aggies at home. If you, or someone you know, experiences discrimination or harassment, I urge you to report it to our Harassment & Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program (HDAPP).

University of California statement on Middle East violence

From the UC Office of the President on October 9, 2023.

University of California Board of Regents Chair Richard Leib and UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D., shared the following statement today, Monday, Oct. 9, 2023, in the wake of a violent weekend in the Middle East:

Our hearts are heavy in the face of the horrific attack on Israel over the weekend, which involved the loss of many innocent lives and the abduction of innocent hostages, including children and the elderly. This was an act of terrorism, launched on a major Jewish holiday. What should have been a quiet weekend of rest turned into days of unspeakable terror and shock. The violence is sickening and incomprehensible, and as of this moment we still do not know the fate of the hostages. This act deserves and requires our collective condemnation.

With missiles continuing to rain down on Israeli cities and warfare now under way in Gaza, the number of innocents affected are multiplying by the hour. As a University community, which includes people from all different nationalities, faiths and political beliefs, our expressions of grief extend to all innocent people affected by this ongoing conflict. We know many members of the University of California community are deeply and directly affected by these events. Our thoughts are with you. We encourage you to seek out support services on your campus if you are struggling.

We continue to hope for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict that has left so many people grieving, suffering, wounded, or killed.

We are grateful that all known UC students, faculty, and staff currently in the region are accounted for and safe. UC officials are in contact with them, and they are receiving guidance and following local security recommendations. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and take action as appropriate.

Additional resources and information for the University of California community can be found at the following links:

UC Davis Statement on Events in Middle East

By UC Davis Strategic Communications on October 8, 2023.

The ongoing events in the Middle East are disturbing and frightening. They impact many people in our UC Davis community who have family, friends and colleagues who are suffering.

While we absorb what’s happening and process our emotions, let’s remember that UC Davis is a place where we emphasize belonging, compassion and kindness. Let’s support each other and appreciate that many of us are impacted in different ways. 

We encourage students who are affected by this situation to contact UC Davis Student Health and Counseling Services for mental health support and resources. Staff and faculty can reach out to our Academic and Staff Assistance Program (ASAP) for support and resources. International students and scholars can contact Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS) within Global Affairs.

Aggie community, please know we are here to support you.

A message from Hendry Ton, M.D., M.S., Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Shared via UC Davis Global Affairs Announcements on September 17, 2023.

The recent earthquake in Morocco and floods in Libya were devastating, and we are deeply saddened and concerned by their impact. Our thoughts are with all the members of the UC Davis community impacted by these terrible natural disasters. Support services are available to those impacted by these recent events. We encourage you to use these resources and take care of yourself.

A message from Hendry Ton, M.D., M.S., Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Shared via HEDI Friday updates on September 22, 2023.

This year, Yom Kippur begins at sunset on Sunday, September 24 – the Jewish high holiday of fasting and prayer that is a culmination of 10 days of introspection and atonement following Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. For those observing, we wish you a safe and blessed Yom Kippur.  

Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Equity (IDARE) Needs Assessment for Medical Center Employees

Shared via HEDI Friday updates on August 18, 2023.

Beginning August 15 – September 15, the Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (HEDI) and medical center leadership are inviting medical center employees hired prior to August 8, 2023, to participate in the Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Equity (IDARE) Needs Assessment, a survey designed to gather information about strengths, challenges, opportunities, and needs in relation to diversity, equity, and inclusion within the medical center.

  • Eligible HOSPITAL employees will receive an email with a survey link from [email protected] on August 15, 2023. If there are any questions, please contact [email protected].

Statement from Chancellor May on Catastrophic Fires in Lahaina, Hawaii

Published on August 14, 2023.

As Californians, we are no strangers to the danger of wildfires and their impact on our communities. The recent wildfire destruction that ravaged the Lahaina community on Maui is incomprehensible. The loss of life is devastating, and we mourn for the people of Hawaii and the tragic loss of the historic town.

At UC Davis, we are reaching out to members of our community who are affected directly and indirectly by the fires to offer support and resources.