Steady On University is a members-only online Bible study community where women cultivate consistent Bible study habits, grow confidence in studying the Bible independently, and develop their gifts of teaching.

Steady On University is for:


You're a woman who loves Bible study and gathering with others to enhance your observations.

At SOU, you will be connected with women who are serious Bible students.


You're a woman with faith questions and desire to find your answers in Biblical truth.

At SOU, you will feel God's personal involvement in your life's circumstances.


You're a woman called to teach the Bible and long to handle the Word correctly.

At SOU, you will learn to trust the Holy Spirit to guide you as you lead.


Are you following Jesus but long to experience a deeper connection with Him? Is there a stirring in your soul telling you something is missing in your spiritual life? Do you desire to be more fully committed to Christ but don’t know what that looks like?

This five-lesson study covers the fundamentals of a Christian life: prayer, study, worship, fellowship, and service. As you progress through the lessons, you will identify which of your spiritual habits are healthy, which could use attention, and how to develop your faith so it has an impact on the world.

If it’s time to take inventory of your walk with Christ and make a solid plan for moving forward, this study will help you lay the groundwork.

New students who register before July 15, 2024, will receive a FREE copy of the Focus on the Fundamentals workbook.

Why am I passionate about Bible study?

I'm so glad you asked! I have two primary reasons, and they are:


I live in victory and freedom because I study the Bible.

Consistent Bible study teaches me these crucial aspects of being a mature Christian:

  • knowing God's promises and
  • recognizing the enemy's tactics.

Bible study led me through a years-long journey of healing from childhood abuse and trauma. I lived in shame and silence for decades, but I now speak openly about my experiences to help break chains of fear and isolation so many of us carry.


We must know how to study the Bible for ourselves.

Pastors and Bible teachers can:

  • tell you what the Holy Spirit spoke to us as we studied

But we cannot:

  • tell you what the Holy Spirit said (or would say) to you as you study.

I'm a HUGE fan of pastors and Bible teachers. I'm both! But, event the best pastors and Bible teachers present biased teaching based on their individual personalities and experiences. That's not bad or wrong, it's just not sufficient to fully experience your transformation story.

In Steady On University, you will develop the necessary skills to independently study the Bible and connect to the transformation story God is writing about your life.

How will SOU positively change the way you study the Bible?

You will strengthen your discernment of the Word through:

  • Releasing your fear of "doing it wrong"
  • Experiencing a safe environment to ask questions, explore beliefs, and wrestle with doubts
  • Feeling the Holy Spirit empower you to connect with the Word of God
  • Knowing God's passionate love for you

How will SOU help you develop habits that create consistency in your Bible study?

You will be inspired to stay in your Bible through:

  • Fresh Bible study resources released weekly
  • Live, interactive study sessions
  • Interviews with ministry leaders sharing personal testimony on experiencing transformation through Bible study
  • Resources from experienced Bible teachers serving as guest instructors
  • An ever-growing Bible study content library

All SOU Bible study resources are anchored in the Step By Step Bible study method.

Step By Step is an inductive Bible study method that uses five steps to study one word in a verse of scripture to find transformational life application.

Angie Baughman is an embodiment of what God does in the surrendered life of His child. God has transformed and continues to work on Angie bringing beauty from the ashes of the tremendous sufferings she experienced earlier in her life. She exudes the beauty that emanates deep from within her heart, a heart that longs for intimacy with her Savior, a heart that delights in studying, speaking, and teaching His Word, a heart of service, of compassion, and of encouragement for those who have gone and are going through suffering and pain. This is the beauty God has brought out in Angie.

Cecille Valoria

Author of "Slaying Your Fear Giants"

Angie’s teaching is a beautiful combination of her contagious love for Jesus, her depth of Biblical knowledge, and her relatable, encouraging style. Her Step By Step Bible study method provides a simple yet memorable way to understand God’s Word–my favorite way to study! Here in Steady On University, Angie offers us even more of her insight, study tools, and practical applications of Scripture. If you are ready to dig deeper into God’s Word in a community of grace and joy, connect with Angie and sign up today!

Susie Crosby

Author of "Just One Word"

Hello, I'm Angie Baughman.

I am a pastor, Bible teacher, podcaster, author, speaker, founder of Steady On, and creator of the Step By Step Bible study method. Yes, I know! That's a lot of job titles.

More than all that, though, I am a woman who has been touched by the hand of God through Bible study.

I began seriously studying the Bible in 2000 when I was introduced to inductive Bible studies offered through Precept ministries. I later became certified to teach Precept classes and have led hundreds of Bible study classes over the past two decades.

In all that studying and teaching, here's what I know to be true:

  • The enemy does not want us to know the Word of God and will use distractions to keep us out.
  • Healing is found in the Word of God and we must fight for our time to stay in.

Building in accountability and intentionality around our Bible study is imperative. You will find excellent teaching and Bible study content inside SOU, yes. But perhaps even more importantly, you will find community, support, and structure that helps you develop CONSISTENT Bible study habits.

Sample lesson here.

Lessons from study guidebooks are released weekly inside SOU.

Each week's lesson has four days of content, including:

  • Prayers for you and for our community.
  • Bible Passages that take each weekly lesson deeper.
  • Step By Step Bible Studies that train you in inductive Bible study.
  • Audio Podcasts featuring Angie with various ministry partners.
  • Devotions that center your heart and mind.
  • Action Steps to begin changing your life today.
  • Music Playlists designed to keep you motivated, focused, and in a worshipful place with the Lord.


Membership is $27/month and automatically renews.


No full or pro-rated refunds for partial month are offered, but you can cancel anytime. Upon cancellation, your membership will remain active until the next renewal date.


Studies vary in length. Some are as long as sixteen lessons while others are only four lessons. We stagger the length of studies to help members stay engaged and interact with fresh study material.


Yes! Those who join mid-study will have access to all lessons of the current study and all studies previously offered.


No! Our community uses the Circle platform. When logged into Circle, all information is directly related to SOU to minimize the temptation to scroll. All resources are organized and labeled for easy access.


Inspiring study material to help you grow

in Biblical understanding and confidence.


A warm community to keep you

encouraged and consistent.

Read our Statement of Faith


Email [email protected].

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