Where are You on Your Journey?

Are you planning a startup? In the early stages of a launch? Poised to expand?

Fortunately for you, you've found LAEDA. Our line-up of no-cost business education programs is designed for all entrepreneurs who are building a business. Whether you're just starting out working on turning a passion into a business or in the early stages of a launch and hitting a wall or have an established business and need to develop a business plan to guide the next phase, LAEDA has something for you.

The decision to operate a business is not one made lightly. Putting at risk your savings, time away from family and investing the time to make it successful, are key considerations one must take into account. The best insurance is business education training and LAEDA.

Take a minute to review our offerings below, then, pick the course that best matches your situation and register or apply.

Read What Our Clients Are Saying!

Check Out Our Course Descriptions - Register or Apply!

Introduction to Entrepreneurship (In Person) - August 1, 2024

LAEDA's Intro to Entrepreneurship is for individuals who are in the idea stage in their entrepreneurial journey. This in person seminar lays out the realities of the entrepreneurial journey and key factors to consider before getting started. Once you know where you are in the journey, you will learn about all of LAEDA's no cost courses and counseling services and how they can help you reach your goals. This course is free but registration is required.

Course Includes:

  • Entrepreneurial Personality Assessment
  • Understanding The Journey
  • Are You Really Ready to Be An Entrepreneurs?
  • Assessing Where You Are in the Journey
  • Resources & Strategies to Get Started


Turning Your Hobby Into a Business Series - (September - October 2024)

LAEDA's Turning Your Hobby Into a Business 6-part series where micro-entrepreneurs with product-based businesses will learn how to become a professional vendor and online retailer.

Course Units Include:

  • Product Development & the Production Process
  • Understanding the Power of Marketing
  • Sales Channels for the Side Hustle Business
  • Business Administration & Bookkeeping
  • Money, Banking & Credit
  • Vendor Presentations & Business Pitch!

Quick Start Series - (September - October 2024)

LAEDA's Quick Start Series is a 5-part series is designed for the individual who is looking to transition from a successful side-hustle business towards a full-time business as well as for more experienced business owners wishing to learn best practices in operating a business. This course is free but you will need to register.

Course Units Include:

  • ABC's of Starting a Small Business - Learn practical steps on how to start and organize your business legally.
  • Business Planning - Learn how to create a plan of action for your business.
  • Marketing - Learn how to get the word out about your products or services to the right audience.
  • Credit Management - Learn how your credit impacts your business and how to improve your borrower's profile.

Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (Fall 2024) Application Deadline 9/1/24

LAEDA Entrepreneurial Development Training Program is a 9-week 75 hour intensive course geared towards experienced entrepreneurs who want to leverage their industry experience and capital to launch a new business venture. Start-up phase entrepreneurs too, can benefit by learning the best practices in managing and growing to move their business forward in a meaningful way. The class is meets Mondays-Wednesdays and some Thursdays from 6-8:30PM. The course is free but you must qualify.

Course Benefits:

  • Learn from instructors who are experts in their fields
  • Includes online business counselor support
  • Finish the course with a completed business plan
  • Continued support to start and grow your business
  • Qualify to apply for capital programs and competitions

*Interested in the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program (EDTP)?

To be accepted to EDTP, an application and interview process must be completed.

Complete the application form to get the process started.

Course Includes:

Business Planning - Business Law -

Insurance - Accounting - Real Estate -

Marketing - Negotiation - Personnel -

Credit Management - Money & Banking -

And much more!

Course schedules are being finalized. By completing the registration form you reserve your seat in an upcoming session of the course.

Don't See Something You Like?

Visit our calendar of events page! LAEDA hosts single unit seminars and workshops on trending topics on running and growing a business.

Topics include:

  • Marketing & Promotion
  • Human Resources & Management
  • Small Business Finance & Access to Capital
  • Accounting & Taxes
  • Business Planning

Tells us what you are looking for! Send an email to [email protected] with your request.

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Questions? Call 856-338-1177, Email [email protected] or Visit LAEDA.com