A Special NEW Party!

Unicorn Slayers Union DUTCH SALE!!!

Links open for a small time and then close.

Items may or may not be in the next link!

Dutch drop every Friday till the end of the month!

The retail link is always open!

Retail and Free shipping!

DUTCH Link #1:

Retail with Free Shipping

25% off link!

DUTCH Link #2

Drops the 2nd Friday of each month! 8pm EST!

Shop Dutch Link #2

50% off link!

DUTCH Link #3:

Drops the 3rd Friday of each month! 8pm EST!

Shop Dutch Link #3

75% off link!

DUTCH Link #4

Drops the 4th Friday of each month! 8pm EST!

Shop Dutch Link #4

Get your item before the link closes!

Thank you for shopping with a combination of consultants of 2 different groups!

The Style Slayers and The Unicorn Union.