Who is Alison Proffit?
Alison Proffit founded her business, Proffit Coach with the philosophy that JOY is the Best Business Strategy™. She helps mission-driven leaders who are navigating changes in their business, life, or relationships feel confidence, joy and peace in the face of the uncertainties that the change is bringing on. Working as a supportive mentor, coach, and consultant she co-creates plans with clients in a way that integrates their faith, values, and natural strengths into what they do and how they do it.
Her approach is informed by over 2 decades of work in Human Resources, Coaching, Sales, Marketing, and Operations in many different industries. Those who know Alison, can attest that in the face of multiple major life changes in a very condensed time frame, she has cultivated a unique approach to transitions. She will often include powerful intercessory prayer in sessions and guides people to find solace in the stillness so they can hear what God is whispering to them about the path to fulfilling their purpose during seasons of change.