ARB Reminders & Mentions

January 19, 2024

ARB Administrator: Alaura Collis

Current staff member, Alaura Collis, has been promoted to ARB Administrator effective January 8th. As many of you know, Alaura has been working as a Front Desk Associate for almost two years and has also been managing cottage reservations. For the next few months, Alaura will train with Julian Walls who is continuing to oversee ARB matters until she assumes the position permanently.

Alaura will maintain her position as Lodging Coordinator while taking on new responsibilities including: coordinating and issuing ARB permits, mailboxes, bush hogging, maintaining ARB plans, collection and disbursement of fees and she will be the main person responsible for communicating with Members, architects, and contractors. 

Alaura is extremely detail oriented and will be a great fit for the ARB and all that is to come in 2024. Please congratulate her when you see her next. 

If you have an ARB matter, please reach out to Alaura Collis and please cc Julian Walls.