AMR Industry Alliance's 2024 Stewardship Prize

The AMR Industry Alliance is pleased to announce that applications are now open for its annual Stewardship Prize. The Alliance began the Stewardship Prize in 2021 to identify and support innovative approaches to combatting antimicrobial resistance in low-to-moderate-income countries.

Applications close September 1, 2024. For more information on application criteria, click here.

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Winner Spotlight: South Africa's NeoAMS Program

Launched in 2022, the NeoAMS program trains local clinicians on neonatal antibiotic stewardship (AMS) best practices by assembling neonatal AMS teams, facilitating interactive online AMS training, and supporting audit and feedback on antibiotic prescriptions for hospitalized neonates. The program encourages regular interaction between site teams, including pharmacists, neonatologists, microbiologists, and neonatal unit nurses. A first of its kind program in South Africa, NeoAMS has already decreased overall antibiotic length of therapy by 22 percent in the participating neonatal units. 

Winner Spotlight: Ghana’s Lekma Hospital

Antimicrobial resistance, a top 10 global public health threat, is often exacerbated by the misuse and misdiagnosis of antimicrobials by patients. At Lekma Hospital, a local hospital in Accra, Ghana, clinicians found that many of their patients were self-medicating with antimicrobials before reporting to the hospital. This makes treatment in the hospital challenging – often, the patients don’t know the type or dosage of the drugs they took – while also contributing to the overall spread of antimicrobial resistance.

Read more here.

Winner Spotlight: Pakistan’s Clinical Engagement Program

Antimicrobial resistance is a silent killer spreading across the globe at an alarming rate, leaving healthcare systems struggling to keep up. Pakistan is no exception, with limited resources and healthcare infrastructure. But amidst these challenges, the Clinical Engagement Program, funded by the UK Aid’s Fleming Fund, has emerged to help shape the country’s response.

“Multi-drug resistant organisms have severely limited our choices of antibiotics for treatment,” said Dr. Qadeer Ahsan, Acting Team Lead for the Clinical Engagement Program in Pakistan.

Read more here.

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