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Mental Fitness through PQ

Positive Intelligence (PQ) is the science-based mental fitness model that generates positive emotions while handling life's challenges, resulting in a wide array of impacts including stress management, relationship improvement, performance, selling and persuasion, creativity, leadership, resilience, and happiness.

The PQ model I work with, based on the work of Shirzad Chamine and his New York Times bestselling book, Positive Intelligence, impresses me with its effectiveness and simplicity that gets to the crux of re-wiring the brain. Although it draws from several forms of science—including archetypal and emotional intelligence models—it doesn’t burden the user with having to study/learn/adopt yet another personal growth paradigm.

There is an app platform with daily practice and weekly focus for six weeks, with coach support from me along the way. This is enough to "change your operating system" so you go forward in a more positive way. I've done it and it works!

Power Your Team's Potential

Most teams work too hard, experience too much conflict, friction and stress, and vastly underachieve their potential. This is because every team member is unknowingly sabotaging both their own and their team’s performance and wellbeing. We’ll enable your teams to maximize both performance and wellbeing simultaneously by focusing on the root-level mental muscles that impact both.

Liz creates custom PQ pod experiences for teams of 5. Email me.

PQ for Business

Build Powerful Habits with Lifelong Application

Experience immediate and sustained improvements in both your wellbeing and performance.

Positive Intelligence is an operating system with many applications. The PQ® Program helps you develop your 3 core mental muscles over the course of just six weeks. 

My first Mental Fitness Pod launches on the week of Oct 2. Feel better after 7 weeks or your money back!

What is the PQ Program?

How We Self-Sabotage

Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions in the way you handle life’s everyday challenges. They represent automated patterns in your mind for how to think, feel, and respond. They cause all of your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They sabotage your performance, wellbeing, and relationships.

Take the FREE assessment and coaching debrief!

Discover Your Saboteurs

Why this matters...

I'm bringing PQ to you because it combines so much of what I've studied and applied over my career--science, psychology, archetypes, multiple mental models--in a simple approach THAT WORKS. I want to see you build the life your heart desires, and I believe this can help get you there.

Yours in wellness, purpose and abundance,

Liz Garrett, CWC, ACC

Author, Speaker, Coach

Essential Wellness Coaching, Inc.

Research Foundation for Positive Intelligence Assessments

This whitepaper includes an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to confirm reliability of the Saboteur Assessments and underlying factors. Also includes analysis of factor validity and test score reliability for the PQ Assessment.


The Neuroscience of Positive Intelligence

Positive Intelligence provides a neuroscience-based approach to mental fitness. This whitepaper both updates and expands on the original neuroscience foundation of Positive Intelligence, based on the latest findings in this fast-evolving field.

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Mental Fitness: The secret ingredient of successful DEIA initiatives

Unconscious bias often hinders the aims of well-intentioned DEIA initiatives. Mental fitness training can create a culture shift for DEIA success.

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Emotional Intelligence at Work: The key to optimal team performance and wellbeing

Discover the neuroscience behind emotional intelligence. Then, learn how to improve your EQ to unleash your most profound potential as a human, at home and in the workplace.

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