Hello Living Springs Church Family,

Below is a message written by Joyce Beke. She has not only been a mother to me but so many others. As we look forward to celebrating Mother’s Day this Sunday, enjoy these words of encouragement!

Pastor Rob

I became a mother over 57 years ago and the memories of those days are still quite vivid in my mind! It was a life-changing event. I had been a nurse and worked 8-hour shifts. I suddenly became aware that in this new “mother” role, I was now on duty 24 hours a day!  

Just so you know I was not immune to child-raising events, some of the issues that I encountered in those early years included: colic, inguinal hernia surgeries, personal trips to the Cancer Clinic, milk allergies, pneumonia, ear drum breaking, fevers, colds, croup, allergic reactions and nightmares to name a few!

I had asked the Lord into my heart as a young child. My husband, Allan had also done so. Together we looked to the Lord and prayed for God’s help in raising our children. We attended church regularly and always took our children with us.  I often reflect on the people at church who were an encouragement to me as a young mom and were interested in my little children as well. As time went on and we read God’s word and attended biblical teachings, we learned more of what we should be trusting God for and our own authority as a believer to help us in our daily lives.  

When we were dealing with the nightmare issue that affected our lives in significant ways, a friend who was in ministry work with the First Nations people shared with us of how their son had also experienced nightmares and was delivered from the same.  He told us to pray with authority in Jesus name!  We did so and immediately they stopped, never to return ever!  We experienced a miracle and saw God’s power in action!  

With regard to the milk allergies and the significant issues it created in our baby daughter’s life, it also had an effect on me as I would be up most nights up to 5 times a night. Gradually I had trouble going back to sleep in between those interruptions. I became over-tired and experienced a level of depression. One Sunday night after the evening church service I was down on my knees in the Prayer Room and I asked an older lady to pray for me. She prayed with authority in Jesus’ name and immediately I began speaking in tongues. When I got up from my knees I was a changed person. A smile came easily now. Allan could see the change in my countenance immediately.  Jocelyn’s issues didn’t disappear yet, but from that night on I was able to go back to sleep immediately in between the times I was up with her. Isaiah 28: 11, 12:  For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. ….This is the rest by which ye may cause the weary to rest and this is the refreshing; …  I truly experienced this rest and refreshing!

The greatest desire of my heart was to have our children each come to have a personal relationship with Jesus. They each did and they continue to love and serve the Lord to this day.  As a family we set certain standards to follow as best we could, based on what we understood would be pleasing to the Lord. We failed at times of course, but you ask for forgiveness and move on.  When children face peer pressure, the boundaries you have set up as a family will be a help to them. The Bible states in I Corinthians 10: 13:  There hath no temptation taken you . . .; but God is faithful, . . . but will, with the temptation, also make the way to escape. . . Your children may use ”you” as an excuse or the reason why they choose to refrain from doing something; “You” being their way of escape!

I was thinking of how a young child holds a parent’s hand. Without knowing the significance of what they are doing, there is trust and a feeling of security for them in doing so. The Lord also wants us to put our trust in him.  We also will feel secure and protected in doing so. The scripture in Proverbs 3: 5, 6 says: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

My prayer for all mothers is that you seek the Lord for wisdom; that you have a boldness to stand for what is godly; that you have increased patience; and a genuine love for your children; that you recognize God’s voice when He speaks to you; that you know the power there is in the name of Jesus; that you be filled with the Holy Spirit and experience the rest and refreshing that comes with it.

This is my prayer for each of you, in Jesus’ name!

With love,

Joyce Beke


We want to encourage everyone that is available to participate in the 2024 Annual General Meeting on Sunday, May 26th at 6:30pm via Zoom. During this time of year, we ask the congregation to fill out one of our feedback forms. It helps the leadership team to get a sense of the Holy Spirit’s leading for the Church. Any specific themes or questions that come through these feedback forms, we will try to address at the AGM. You can pick up a paper copy at the info table and place it in the tithe box, or click the link below. The annual reports as well as the financial statements will be made available at service on Sunday! If you would like a digital copy, please reach out to Charlene at [email protected]  


Every Disciple Sent

Every Disciple Sent equips churches, teams, and individuals across Canada to engage with the mission, power, and identity of Jesus by actively sharing their faith to see millions of Canadians transformed by the Gospel. Join us May 10-11th at Harvest City Church.

Discipleship Night: 

Regina: Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm 

Discipleship class 

Worship & Prayer 

Moose Jaw: Thursdays, 6:30-8:00pm 

Discipleship class 


Regina Grief Share

A series of classes to help you recover and rebuild your life after the loss of a loved one. For more information on time and location please contact Audrey in Regina at [email protected]

Moose Jaw will be starting on Wednesday, June 26th at the Church. Please contact Ali to register. Ali in Moose Jaw at [email protected] 


2024 Grade 12 Graduation

We would like to celebrate all of our Grade 12 Grads this year! If you know someone who has any family connection with LSC and is graduating in June, please reach out to someone on staff and let us know! 

Women's Spring Event

We welcome all women ages 18 + to join us for a Women’s Spring Event in Regina on May 18th at 3pm at the church and in Moose Jaw on May 25th at 2pm at the church. Please sign up at the info table if you are interested in attending! 

Men's Breakfast

Regina: Men’s Breakfast 

All men ages 18+ are invited to join us for breakfast on Saturday, June 1st at 8am - 9:30am at Nicky’s Cafe. Please contact Pastor Andrew at [email protected] if you are interested! 

Moose Jaw: Men’s Breakfast/Bible Study 

All men ages 18 + are invited to join us for a Breakfast/Bible Study starting on Saturday, June 15th for 5 weeks at 8:30am at the church. The cost will be $5.00. Please contact Pastor Rob at [email protected] if you are interested! 

Church Picnic

Regina: June 2, 4-6pm at Kiwanis Park

MJ: June 9, following Sunday service

Come Together Event

At Mosaic Stadium in Regina on Friday, June 7 & Saturday June 8th. You can visit their website at cometogether.day for all the details of the event! 

Regina & Moose Jaw Community Events

On June 23rd during the Sunday service in both locations we are having a very special outreach where you can invite friends and family. For the message we will be showing the second Alpha video. After the service we will be having a potbless where everyone is invited to stick around and have soup, sandwich and a time of fellowship. Please sign up at the info table and let us know what you would like to bring. 

Save the Date: Summer Family Camp, 2024

1st Family Camp - August 11th - 14th

2nd Family Camp - August 14th - 17th 

Registration is now open, you can click the button below to register or you can pick up a paper copy at the info table. If you have any questions please contact [email protected].


  • Wednesday Night Prayer

We welcome all to join us on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm at the Regina church.

  • Friday Night Prayer

Everyone is welcome to join us at 7 pm on Zoom. We will be having a wonderful time of sharing praise reports, worship and prayer. Click the button below to join us on Friday nights!

  • Pre-Service Prayer

On Sunday mornings we invite everyone to join us at 9:15am to cover our service in prayer. 

  • LSC Signal Prayer Line

Join our Church family by praying into specific individual prayer requests, followed up with praise reports via the Signal App. If you have questions about how to join please reach out to Audrey at 306-527-2273. 



Team 2 - May 12

Team 3 - May 19

Team 4 - May 26

Moose Jaw

Team 3 - May 12

Team 4 - May 19

Team 1 - May 26


Regina Location - 10 am Victoria Square Mall (2223 Victoria Ave. E, Regina)

Moose Jaw Service Location - 10 am at 303 Coteau St. W, Moose Jaw

Regina Location

Moose Jaw Location

Church Online



Please Note: You can access our service on our website, YouTube or Facebook. For directions to our locations and links to watch online, click the link above!


"New" E-Transfer step: Please put your first and last name in the memo line for all transfers. In order to properly allocate the transfers to the correct donor it is necessary that you put your first and last name on the memo line. The bank is no longer reliably giving us this information on the e-transfer. Thank you

Mail cheques to:

#302-1102 8th Ave

Regina, SK

S4R 1C9

Donations to our Facility/Future Growth Fund can be sent to [email protected]

Please designate "Facility/Future Growth Fund" in the memo line.