Vision Plan Litigation Defense Fund Banner

Give Now to the Defense Fund

Visions plan plaintiffs have filed a desperate lawsuit seeking to overturn portions of the Texas vision plan reform bill (HB 1696), which the Texas legislature passed unanimously to protect the doctor-patient relationship between Texas optometrists and their patients. We applaud the Governor and the Texas legislature for implementing these necessary and important safeguards in the law and look forward to protecting these common-sense reforms in court.

The TOA is committed to vigorously defending Texas optometrists and their patients against the continued abuses of these multibillion-dollar conglomerates.  The TOA is currently exploring all options to defend Texas optometrists, but we know that, unfortunately, all of these options are expensive.

That is why we are asking all optometrists to contribute to the Vision Plan Litigation Defense Fund.

Your contribution to this fund will make sure that the TOA has the necessary resources not only to prevail in court, but also to assist optometrists with enforcement actions to ensure that visions plans are complying with this important law.

It is disappointing that vision plan companies have continued to put their profits over the needs of Texas patients instead of working with optometrists to expand access to vision care. However, we as optometrists must come together and defend our right to provide care for our patients, independent of the profit motives of vision plan companies.

Contribute to the Defense Fund Today


Contributions to the Vision Plan Litigation Defense Fund are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.

However, they may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses. Consult your tax advisor.

Texas Optometric Association
