You don't want to miss this.


As summer officially ends and we are greeted with hopefully cooler weather, it’s also a time of change for our chapter. In June we elected the 2023-24 Board of Directors and committee members. Several of our leaders have volunteered to remain on the Board for another year and for their continued commitment to serving our chapter, thank you!


In addition, we welcome many new members to the chapter leadership team. Please see the complete list of our Chapter leadership team in this newsletter and on our NIRI Florida website.


The main goal of this renewed Board is to make our Florida Chapter even more active, bringing us closer to other IR Floridians, sharing experiences and getting new friends. We are committed to bringing value to the local membership by conducting surveys to get more input from members, organizing in person and virtual events, and keep you all well informed through this newsletter.


To kick off the new program year, please plan to join us on Tuesday, October 3rd at 12:00pm ET with our first “Lunch & Learn” series, a power hour with 7-8 topics for discussion, provide space for open dialogue. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Kristie Waugh

NIRI Florida President