Hello Church Family,

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful spring we are having. As we enter into the month of June there are several events and ways to get involved. It is exciting to see all that God is doing in our church and communities! This weekend is the Come Together event at Mosaic Stadium in Regina. I am praying that God will draw unbelievers to come and that many souls will be saved. If you haven’t already, invite your friends and get tickets while they are still available. The tickets are free, but you have to secure your spot online by scanning the QR code on the invite or by going to www.cometogether.day.

There are so many people who are hurting and in need of salvation. Jesus said in Luke 10:2, “These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

The harvest is great, and we are to pray for workers to bring it in. We are the workers! God is sending us into this broken world to bring the Good News. God has uniquely gifted all of us to do our part, and to love our neighbours, co-workers and families. The apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:6, “I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.” The work of Salvation is God’s work, but He calls us to plant and water with Him!

Blessings to each one of you this week. I pray that you will know the grace and love of Jesus today and that you will sense His leading in your lives, and direction for whatever is before you!

I hope to see you this weekend at service!

Pastor Andrew

Raquel’s Missions Trip

Raquel is going on another missions trip to Asia. She leaves on September 8th and returns in January. She will be involved with: church planting and discipleship, ministering at the drug and rehabilitation home, ministering at the children’s and leprosy home, slum, street and temple ministry, outreach to unreached parts of Asia, discipleship with those coming out of prostitution. 

Please pray for Raquel during this time. If you would like to support her financially please send an EMT to [email protected] and write in the memo box, “Raquel’s Missions Trip,” or on an offering envelope. 


Come Together Event

Come Together Event will be at Mosaic stadium in Regina from June 7 to June 8th. You can visit their website at Cometogether.day for all the details of the event! LSC is a sponsoring church and we have cards at the info table, you can scan the QR code to register. This is a great event to invite your non-christian friends to attend. 

Church Picnic

Moose Jaw

Everyone is welcome to our Church Family Picnic on June 9th at 12pm following service. Food will be provided. Please bring a lawn chair as we will be going across the street to the park. Please sign up at the info table and let us know what you would like to bring! 

Discipleship Night: 

Regina: Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm 

Discipleship class  

Moose Jaw: Thursdays, 6:30-8:00pm 

Discipleship class 



Men's Breakfast

Regina: All men ages 18+ are invited to join us for breakfast on Saturday, July 13th and August 3rd at 8am - 9:30am at Nicky’s Cafe. Please contact Pastor Andrew at [email protected] if you are interested! 

Moose Jaw: Men’s Breakfast/Bible Study 

All men ages 18 + are invited to join us for a Breakfast/Bible Study starting on Saturday, June 15th for 5 weeks at 8:30am at the church. The cost will be $5.00. Please contact Pastor Rob at [email protected] if you are interested! 

2024 Grade 12 Graduation

We would like to celebrate all of our Grade 12 Grads this year on June 19th at 7:00pm. This is an event that our whole church family is welcome to attend as we celebrate this milestone in their lives. 

Regina & Moose Jaw Community Events

On June 23rd during the Sunday service in both locations we are having a very special outreach where you can invite friends and family. For the message we will be showing the second Alpha video. After the service we will be having a potbless where everyone is invited to stick around and have soup, sandwiches and a time of fellowship. Please sign up at the info table and let us know what you would like to bring. 

Married For Life (both locations)

Married for Life is a 12 week course that gives you biblical tools to transform your marriage! We are offering this course starting Sunday, June 23rd running through to September 15th at 6:30pm. Cost: $75. Please sign up at the info table or contact Pastors Rob or Jocelyn at [email protected]

Grief Share

A series of classes to help you recover and rebuild your life after the loss of a loved one. For more information on time and location please contact:

In Regina classes will be starting in the fall on October 17th. For more information please contact Audrey at [email protected]

Moose Jaw will be starting on Wednesday, June 26th. To register please contact Ali at [email protected] 

Save the Date: Summer Family Camp, 2024

1st Family Camp - August 11th - 14th

2nd Family Camp - August 14th - 17th 

Registration is now open, you can click the button below to register or you can pick up a paper copy at the info table. If you have any questions please contact [email protected].


  • Wednesday Night Prayer

We will resume in the fall.

  • Friday Night Prayer

Everyone is welcome to join us at 7 pm on Zoom. We will be having a wonderful time of sharing praise reports, worship and prayer. Click the button below to join us on Friday nights!

  • Pre-Service Prayer

On Sunday mornings we invite everyone to join us at 9:15am to cover our service in prayer. 

  • LSC Signal Prayer Line

Join our Church family by praying into specific individual prayer requests, followed up with praise reports via the Signal App. If you have questions about how to join please reach out to Audrey at 306-527-2273. 



Team 6 - June 9

Team 1 - June 16

Team 2 - June 23

Team 3 - June 30

Moose Jaw

Team 3 - June 9

Team 4 - June 16

Team 1 - June 23

Team 2 - June 30


Regina Location - 10 am Victoria Square Mall (2223 Victoria Ave. E, Regina)

Moose Jaw Service Location - 10 am at 303 Coteau St. W, Moose Jaw

Regina Location

Moose Jaw Location

Church Online



Please Note: You can access our service on our website, YouTube or Facebook. For directions to our locations and links to watch online, click the link above!


"New" E-Transfer step: Please put your first and last name in the memo line for all transfers. In order to properly allocate the transfers to the correct donor it is necessary that you put your first and last name on the memo line. The bank is no longer reliably giving us this information on the e-transfer. Thank you

Mail cheques to:

#302-1102 8th Ave

Regina, SK

S4R 1C9

Donations to our Facility/Future Growth Fund can be sent to [email protected]

Please designate "Facility/Future Growth Fund" in the memo line.