Hello Living Springs Church Family,

The following words of Jesus have been ringing in my spirit, over and over again… 

“Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭10‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

It’s interesting that Jesus isn’t looking for professional clergy or super gifted people. He says in this verse that he is looking for labourers; ordinary people who will live for eternity as they go about their every day life.

I was in a business recently and started up a conversation with three of the staff. There wasn’t another person in the store. I started sharing Jesus with each of them in a very casual way. I invited them all to church. The person who seemed to be in charge said that they’ve never really been to church too much. They told me they grew up in a home of abuse and dysfunction. I said to them that they are just the kind of person that we are looking for to come to our church. I shared quite openly with them how much Jesus loves them. I told them that it is not about religion, or even joining a specific denomination; but it is about a personal relationship with Jesus. I said, “Deep down inside, every single one of us knows something is missing. We know there has to be more.”

They immediately began sharing with me details of their life story. I have never met these people before, but the door was wide open to share the Gospel. 

From their response, I believe it was the first time they had ever heard of the hope and forgiveness that is in Jesus.

I left them a card, and it sounded like they’re going to come to church.

As I drove away, I realized how the Holy Spirit is just waiting for us to let our light shine. This can take place in different ways through each one of us, but one thing is for sure; the world is searching for a Saviour…

No matter what you are going through today, you can rejoice, knowing that your name is written in the Lamb’s book of Life. 

I pray that you will understand how blessed and highly favoured you are. As we come together this weekend to worship, let’s come expecting something special to take place in the Lord’s presence. He really loves blessing his kids!

Love you lots!

Pastor Rob


Regina Location - 10 am Southland Mall Cineplex

Moose Jaw Service Location - 10 am at Mosaic Place







Please Note: You can access our service on our website, YouTube or Facebook. For directions to our locations and links to watch online, click the link above!


Living Springs Family Winter Fun

Come enjoy the outdoors with us on Saturday, February 18th from 1pm - 3pm at the home of Curtis and Kari Metz located at 18 Park Meadows Road in White City. There will be an ice rink available for skating, a bonfire for roasting the hotdogs and marshmallows and hot chocolate to drink! 

Water Baptism/ Holy Spirit Night

We are planning to have a baptism and Holy Spirit service soon! If you would like to be water baptized, please sign up at the info. desk or reach out to anyone on staff as we’d be happy to talk to you about this. 


Everyone is welcome to join us at 7 pm on zoom. We will be having a wonderful time of sharing praise reports, worship and prayer. Click the button below to join us on Friday nights!



Team 1 - Jan. 29

Team 2 - Feb. 5

Team 3 - Feb. 12

Team 4 - Feb. 19

Team 5 - Feb. 26

Moose Jaw

Team 3 - Jan. 29

Team 1 - Feb. 5

Team 2 - Feb. 12

Team 3 - Feb.19

Team 1 - Feb. 26


E transfer: [email protected]

Mail cheques to:

#302-1102 8th Ave

Regina, SK

S4R 1C9

Donations to our Facility/Future Growth Fund can be sent to [email protected]

Please designate "Facility/Future Growth Fund" in the memo line.