David Kelleher '93

In his 1993 class yearbook, David Kelleher stated that his ambitions and dreams were to “be an accountant, and lead a happy, successful life.” As a partner at AAFCPAs, a 300+ person CPA and consulting firm based out of Westborough, MA, husband and father of three daughters and three dogs, David has certainly made those dreams and ambitions come true!

David grew up in Amesbury, MA and was one of STA’s first classes to draw students from Massachusetts. He had always excelled in Math and took advantage of the Math courses at STA. Upon graduation in 1993, David went on to study at UMass Dartmouth, graduating with a degree in Accounting. He began with the firm AAFCPAs as a new accountant and quickly discovered that there was more to the profession than personal income taxes. 27 years later, David has found his niche in working with nonprofit organizations, advising clients to ensure that they maintain strong financial controls, and offering sound advice on innovations and efficiencies to assist with their future strategic goals.

David was recently invited back to STA to speak to Seniors in Mrs. Julie Verde’s Mathematics of Business and Finance class about the various career tracks that one could pursue with an accounting degree. This course is designed for Seniors intending to pursue studies that do not require advanced mathematics. The course includes discussion and projects with budgeting techniques, paying for college, investing and interest accumulation strategies, the use of credit and debt, income taxes, buying a house and car, and retirement planning. David provided students with an overview of the profession—what steps they need to take to become a CPA, various fields they could pursue within the Accounting Industry, internship opportunities available, and what his day-to-day responsibilities entail. 

David’s main piece of advice for students is “like what you do and if what you like changes, be confident and move with it.” 

Andy Watson '09

Andy Watson ’09 has travelled all over the world since his graduation from STA. 15 years later, this Marine Corps Aviator is back in New Hampshire before taking off for his next adventure in the Lone Star State.

Hailing from Amesbury, MA, Andy chose St. Thomas Aquinas High School because he was looking for a more academically rigorous opportunity. It was here where he was not only challenged in the classroom, but also found a great community and life-long friendships. In addition to his heavy courseload of classes like AP Physics and AP Calculus, Andy made time for sports, activities, and fun. Named “Most Spirited” by his classmates, this Scholar Athlete served as a captain on the football team and a leader on the Student Advisory Board.

Andy attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on a NROTC scholarship, graduating in 2013 with a degree in Industrial and Management Engineering. He commissioned into the United States Marine Corps, where he served for 9 years, primarily as a helicopter instructor pilot stationed in San Diego, CA. His time in the Marines took him to Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and South America.

In 2022, Andy was accepted into the MBA program at The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. He is currently a Fellow in the Revers Center for Energy, Sustainability, and Innovation, and is pursuing the Management Science and Quantitative Methods designation. He also serves as a Visiting Executive Host and a Veterans Admissions Liaison. Andy spent last summer as a Global Operations Intern at Nike, INC., where he managed stakeholders on three continents and worked to uncover opportunities to increase inventory efficiency.

Following his graduation from Tuck this summer, Andy will take off, once again, with his wife and two small children to plant roots in Texas as part of the Finance and Commercial Leadership Development Program at Chevron.

Best of luck, Andy!

Elizabeth Park Nevins '99, P'26, '27

25 years ago, Elizabeth (Park) Nevins walked the halls as a student as STA. Growing up in Hampton, she spent many of her formative years at Sacred Heart School (SHS) before transitioning to the public middle school. She was eager to return to the Catholic School atmosphere, where she felt a sense of community and shared faith. She found that at St. Thomas Aquinas High School.

Elizabeth remembers with fondness the quirky sayings of her favorite Advisor, Doc. McGrew, as well as many of the other faculty members who played a role in her education. “I was known for who I was, the things I was good at and could get better at. I knew I could go to them to get help and support.” As a member of the Drama Club, she was involved with West Side Story. She was also on the cheerleading squad. She developed strong bonds with friends, many of whom lived in Dover and the surrounding towns. In the years before smart phones and social media, Elizabeth recalls racking up her parent’s phone bill with all of her long-distance toll calls! 

The community she found at STA was a big driver in her decision to attend a small college. She graduated from Colby Sawyer College with a degree in Child Development. Upon graduation, she began teaching at Sacred Heart School. She also taught in various Catholic schools in Virginia as she was raising her 4 children. She returned to New Hampshire in 2016 and was called back to her roots at SHS, where she has been ever since.

Today, Elizabeth walks the halls of STA in a different stage of her life—as a parent. “It’s like coming home. Even though it looks different, it still has that St. Thomas Aquinas feel. It’s like walking down memory lane,” she says. Her two sons, Harrison ’26 and Ben ’27 are thriving. Her other young children are students at Sacred Heart School and it’s only a matter of time before

they join the ranks of the Saints.

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