2024 National Wraparound Conference

Tracks & Sessions Topics

TRACK 1- Wraparound Basics

Sessions within this particular focus area are designed to cultivate a fundamental comprehension of the Wraparound Process and its profound influence on communities when executed diligently. These sessions aim to furnish wraparound practitioners with essential insights into the core values and principles of wraparound practices, emphasizing the significance of involving fathers, families, and communities from the outset.

Wraparound Collaboration and Coaching for Student College Completion

Michael Daly, President, The Orange Duffel Bag Initiative

Monica Pontoja, Executive Director, The nsoro Educational Foundation

Orange Duffel Bag Initiative (ODBI) and The nsoro Educational Foundation (nsoro) share best practices of nonprofit collaboration, Coaching for College Completion, and Fostering Futures for the success of college students in foster care. Attendees will learn how coaching, curriculum, and collaboration can positively impact at-risk students' education outcomes. Team Orange and œnsoro Works has collaborated for the last four years with powerful outcomes for at-risk students. Each a successful nonprofit on its own, together they have created a community and culture for helping students in need achieve and succeed. Both Mr Daly and Ms Pantoja have years of experience working with vulnerable students and are passionate about helping youth and effectively collaborating on their behalf. Their past conference presentations have been well received with attendees seeking follow up thoughts and guidance from the presentation team. Both presenters are energetic and the workshop includes student videos, student and program data and outcomes, coaching tips, and collaborating and coaching program model suggestions as well informative interaction with attendees and a Q&A opportunity. 

Transforming Communities: The Success of Brevard County's Neighborhood Partnership Program

Jessica Miles, Family Support Services Senior Manager, Brevard C.A.R.E.S.

LaToya Dukes, Neighborhood Partnership Program Supervisor

Brevard County, FL encounters the challenges posed by its diverse communities with distinct requirements. In acknowledgment of the vital role of tailored and community-oriented approaches in aiding families in distress, Brevard C.A.R.E.S. has introduced the Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP). This initiative, grounded in self and community referrals, focuses on establishing robust connections, empowering families through Wraparound principles, and nurturing a collaborative setting to cater to the distinctive needs of each family. By highlighting the achievements and positive influence of the Neighborhood Partnership Program, our aim is to motivate and educate other communities seeking efficient, community-led strategies to combat child abuse and neglect.

If you meet one Child, you meet one Child - Wrapping the Neurodiverse Youth and Family

Kim Stokem, Wraparound Fidelity Coach/Trainer, Instructor for UC Davis, Contra Costa Countywide Wraparound

Angelle Aldava, Youth with Lived Experiences

In this presentation, participants will grow their skills and knowledge on how to honor Wraparound 10 principles and develop Wraparound process and plans for each individual youth and family. Participants will develop the skills of honoring and valuing Neurodiverse youth and family members, being able to have their voice and choice heard in creative ways and how to follow the 4 Phase of Wraparound while honoring the 10 Principles for each unique child, while being culturally responsive and purposeful. Participant will hear for a youth with Neurodiversity, as well as a Facilitator, Coach and Trainer who also has Neurodiversity.

PARTNERING FOR PEACE: Strategies for Ensuring Men Aid in Maternal Mental Health by Being Proper Pregnancy Partners

Napoleon A. Bradford, Lead Counselor, The PLACE Health and Wholeness Center

This session explores the pivotal role men play in supporting maternal mental health during pregnancy. However, the involvement of male partners in this realm remains underemphasized. This presentation delves into strategies and interventions aimed at engaging men as active participants in supporting maternal mental health by fostering a supportive and understanding environment. Drawing upon psychological theories and empirical evidence, this session outlines practical steps and initiatives that encourage mothers to push past the obstacles that have blocked the opportunities for men to participate. Additionally, this presentation showcases successful Black initiatives that have effectively engaged men in supporting maternal mental health. This presentation aims to foster healthier family dynamics and positively impact maternal mental health outcomes by offering a comprehensive guide to equip men and women with the necessary skills and mindset to become supportive partners ultimately contributing to creating a harmonious necessary for the child during the perinatal period."

"Maybe I'm the Problem: Strategies to Stop Self-Sabotage" for Practitioners and Peers

Napoleon A. Bradford, Lead Counselor, The PLACE Health and Wholeness Center

This presentation aims to explore the concept of self-sabotage and its impact on personal and professional growth. It will provide attendees with practical strategies and tools to identify and overcome self-sabotaging behaviors. Through interactive discussions, real-life examples, and evidence-based techniques, participants will gain insights into the underlying causes of self-sabotage and learn how to develop healthier and more productive patterns of thinking and behavior.

The Power of the SNCD (Strength, Needs, Culture Discovery) Delving Deeper Into Its Development

Deborah Moore, Lead Implementation Specialist, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

The Strength, Needs, Culture Discovery (SNCD) is an essential component of our work with families in High Fidelity Wraparound. The SNCD leads the charge in capturing a vivid depiction of the youth and family’s story in such a way that promotes a healthy avenue to acknowledge where the family has been, where they are headed, and what is needed to support their journey. When written well, this living document embodies who the family is and provides a holistic perspective of their vision, needs, and goals. It also identifies their culture of support and the individuals who will remain even after the professional services have faded out. In this interactive session, we will delve into the fundamental components, which are necessary for building a strong SNCD, starting with “the why”. We will examine the elements of the SNCD, discuss ways to inclusively gather detailed information, and reflect on how the principles are utilized throughout the process to honor the family’s culture. Participants will engage in activities, and receive tips and strategies to enhance youth and family engagement while effectively building a powerful SNCD. 

TRACK 2 - Advanced Topics of Wraparound Program Success

Sessions within this focus area offer practical strategies for implementing wraparound approaches effectively at both organizational and systemic levels. These sessions expand on fundamental principles essential for successful wraparound programs and delve into advanced topics such as system transformation, data collection and evaluation, workforce development, and other key areas. The aim is to enhance outcomes for youth and families not only during the wraparound process but also in the broader context.

Join the fun at the Wraparound Facilitation Game Show

Tracy Little, Director of High Fidelity Wraparound, The National Center for Innovation and Excellence

Jarred Vermillion, Wraparound Training Manager, The National Center for Innovation and Excellence

Attention to all Wraparound facilitators! Are you prepared to put your skills to the test and enjoy a lively experience? We invite you to participate in the Wraparound Facilitation Game Show, where you will engage in competitive head-to-head challenges to determine the ultimate champion. Rest assured, expertise in Wraparound is not a prerequisite for participation. This engaging event welcomes individuals of all levels, from novices to seasoned professionals.

Approaching Fathers With Wraparound

Dr. John VanDenBerg (virtual)

Dr. John VanDenBerg will deliver a presentation focusing on utilizing the Wraparound approach to offer assistance to fathers in two primary domains. Initially, the presentation will delve into an analysis of the fathering culture, considering diverse viewpoints such as those of Dr. VanDenBerg and the audience members. Subsequently, Dr. VanDenBerg will delve into practice models that respect family culture while delivering comprehensive support to fathers facing challenges.

Addressing the Needs of Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: The Essential Role of ABA Interventions 

Lauren Zuccaro, Director of Evidence Based Practices and Behavioral Stabilization, National Youth Advocate Program (NYAP)

Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) often experience an increased likelihood of challenging behaviors when compared to their typically developing peers. Although the factors influencing the heightened likelihood of and varying intensity of challenging behaviors can differ significantly, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) stands out as an evidence-based approach renowned for its efficacy in addressing individuals with IDD.  By identifying the motivation for challenging behaviors and implementing proactive interventions, ABA helps children build essential life skills, cope with trauma, and reduce challenging behaviors. Additionally, providing caregivers the opportunity to undergo training in ABA principles will enable them to create structured and supportive environments. 

Recognizing the advantages of incorporating ABA interventions into care coordination and service delivery for children with IDD, participants will be introduced to the fundamental theoretical principles of ABA. This includes emphasizing the significance of understanding the motivation behind behaviors and teaching a functionally equivalent replacement behavior that will allow youth to meet their needs more adaptively. Additionally, the workshop will familiarize participants with three categories of behavioral intervention and offer motivation-specific examples within each category. In conclusion, the workshop will explore the advantages of parent training in essential ABA principles, outlining recommended training formats for effective implementation.  

What did you say? Family, Community and Dependency-All Wrapped Up

Sandra Gotwalt, Wraparound Supervisor, Family Allies

Shelby Aubert, Director of Child Wellbeing, Family Allies

During this session, we will explore the fundamental principles of Wraparound from the perspective of the Dependency System. Topics will include emphasizing family voice and choice, assembling a support team, strategies for engaging essential stakeholders, crafting personalized Care Plans, distinguishing between a Dependency Case Plan/Safety Plan and a Wraparound Care Plan/Crisis Plan, and other pertinent aspects.

Family Matters: Evidence for Family Engagement and Skills Training as an Enhancement to Systems-Involved Youth to Ensure Long-Term Success 

Dr. Amy Bradshaw Hoppock, LMHC, Vice President of Behavioral Health, AMIkids, Iinc.

Dr. Jessica Mitchell, Sr. Director of Data, Research & Strategic Initiatives

Family dynamics is both a key protective factor as well as a risk factor for delinquency and overall well-being. The health, functionality, and relationships within the family determine whether it is considered a strength or a cause of harm. Youth who have been involved with the justice system or child welfare system have an increased risk of lower functioning family relationships and thus may lack the prosocial skills to improve them, often leading to future systems involvement, poor relationship skills, and difficulty in securing/retaining employment. AMIkids Family Centric Model (FCM) is a community-based intervention used in combination with individualized support services to end this cyclical relationship. This workshop will review the evaluation findings on FCM, discuss its applicability in various settings, and provide best practices on family engagement. This session will provide participants with opportunities to share strategies on family engagement and discuss the critical need for family skills training to enhance community-based programming and ensure long-term success. The AMIkids Family Centric Model (FCM) is a family-focused psychoeducational overlay service originally designed for youth and families involved with the juvenile justice system. A three-year randomized control trial study was completed by external evaluator and a quasi-experimental study to test its effectiveness (812 study youth and their families). Clinical assessments of FCM youth found a significant reduction in oppositional defiance, aggressive behavior, and rule-breaking compared to youth who did not receive FCM services. Parents and guardians reported significant improvement in family functioning in terms of healthy roles, general functioning, communication, and behavior control. Youth and their families reported strong satisfaction with the FCM services and 89% remained crime free after completion of FCM services. AMIkids has expanded this model's use with youth in the child welfare system and a standalone community-based service. Preliminary data analysis demonstrates a positive impact on youth and promising long-term effects. Sharing these results and strategies on family engagement can help strengthen or identify gaps in current services. 

Lutheran Service of America Family Stabilization Initiative “Together We Can” 

Renada Johnson, Lutheran Services of America

Kathryn Parker, The National Center for Innovation and Excellence

Launched in January 2021, our Family Stabilization Initiative is a three-year project where we are awarding $2.9 million in grants to organizations in our network located in four target states: Alaska, Montana, South Dakota and Washington. The work under this initiative expands services in underserved communities in the target states and activates community networks to address the disproportionate number of children of color separated from their families. In the first year of the initiative, our teams across the four states have already successfully engaged nearly 40 local partners to support the transformative goals under this project The theme of FSI is “Together We Can.” Through the implementation of a whole-family support model, FSI organizations in Alaska, Montana, South Dakota and Washington state are strengthening families and preventing child welfare involvement, leading their state’s pivot to prevention versus intervention.  

FSI is working with the National Center for Innovation and Excellence (NCFIE) to implement and sustain the evidence based C.A.R.E.S. (Coordination, Advocacy, Resources, Education and Support) Model. This model takes high-fidelity wraparound process that builds on strengths and increases protective capacities to safely divert children and families from mandated system involvement.  

This workshop will discuss the FSI project and review lessons learned when implementing in rural communities. 

The Role of Family Peers in Wraparound Across Systems of Care

Sarah Miller, Assistant Executive Director, NAMI Sarasota and Manatee Counties

Emily Haywood, Youth Peer Specialist, NAMI Sarasota and Manatee Counties

This session aims to demonstrate the significant contribution of parents and youths with recovery experience, referred to as peers, as integral members of the Wraparound team to improve family outcomes. Attendees will gain insights into the various roles of peer support within the System of Care, the impactful nature of lived experiences in engaging youths and families receiving services, and the operational dynamics of peers within Wraparound and their role within the team.

Assembling a Strong Family Vision

Paul Bright, Implementation Specialist, University of North Carolina-Greensboro

Does your family vision get lost in the child and family team meetings? Do other agency agendas take over and drown out the family's voice and choice? This presentation will help new wraparound practitioners assist families in creating a strong family vision that will remain as the forefront of all team meetings. This presentation will rely on fundamentals and an interactive approach to going beyond foundational knowledge about Family Vision.

TRACK 3 - Best Practice Program Models

Sessions in this focus area examine the impact of evidence-based practice models within the system of care. These sessions will provide research, practical experiences, and tools to incorporate best practices into communities as modeled by community-based organizations.

The Parents as Teachers Model

Syrian McConnico, Director of Clinical Services, Brevard C.A.R.E.S.

Davine Vincent, Community Services Supervisor, Brevard C.A.R.E.S.

Participants will be introduced to an evidenced-based model called Parents as Teachers. This model was designed to educate parents and caregivers on early childhood development and how the parent and/or caregiver can take an active role in their child's healthy development. By the end of this presentation, participants will know specific tenets of PAT, as well as increase self-awareness and understanding of how cultural competence plays a role. 

Wrapping Littles - How to provide Wraparound for 0-5 population

Kim Stokem, Wraparound Fidelity Coach/Trainer, Instructor for UC Davis, Contra Costa Countywide Wraparound

Angelle Aldava, Youth with Lived Experiences

In this session participants will learn how to follow the Wraparound process while honoring the young child as part of the teaming process. Participants will develop skills on how to have the 10 Principles guide the Wraparound process with 0-5 youth and their families. Participants will gain knowledge on developmental considerations, early childhood development, how trauma presents in young children. Participants will develop skills on how to integrate Early Childhood CANS into Wraparound process within System of Care. Participants learn the value of having young children present throughout the Wraparound process to support Wraparound value of youth remaining with their family, in their community, and their culture.

Say it loud...break out of the box with Wraparound Project ECHO!

Samantha Lawson-Davis

Dr. Julie Radlauer-Doefler

LSFHS ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) established in 2022 provides an inclusive, interactive approach to connect and empower Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), Primary Care Physicians (PCPs), multidisciplinary specialists/providers, and other professionals. LSFHS ECHO uses the Project ECHO educational, knowledge-sharing model to create a synchronous, virtual network of healthcare professionals to discuss didactic content regarding clinical and systematic practice changes and to review de-identified patient cases related to medical care, social determinants of health, and community services. Project ECHO increases access to high-quality specialty care in local communities through technology-enabled collaborative learning to eliminate silos, collaborate on solutions, and equip specialists, providers, and the community. The benefits are increased workforce capacity by building interprofessional communities that bridge gaps to bring positive change. Our efforts to spread the wraparound principles, model, and adherence to the fidelity of high-fidelity wraparound have increased the opportunity to provide telementoring to practitioners utilizing the ECHO model. Wraparound ECHO provides practical solutions for relevant real life challenges of participants, as well as providing access to input and perspective from subject matter experts in the respective field. These best practices, successful collaborations, innovations (successful or in progress), lessons learned, and solutions to challenges. 

Hey, Where's Dad?

Jordan Langford, Programs Fields Representative, Oklahoma Dept. Of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Emma "Gerri" Mullendore, Coordinator of Family Involvement, Oklahoma Dept. Of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

We know having everyone in the family present and participating is crucial to success in teaching the family Wraparound process, as well as fostering a healthy relationship between family members. Fathers are no exception; data shows their involvement has a positive impact on a multitude of outcomes for their children. During this presentation we intend to stimulate a dialogue on how we can support fathers in our communities towards the well-being of the children we love, value and care for. We aim to look at this data, as well as provide examples, utilization of tools we have present to us via the high-fidelity Wraparound process, and tangible resources on how to engage the father in services. Implementing these lived experiences and strategies can empower the father to take a more involved role in the development of their children and the family relationship as a whole. 

The Power of Persuasion: Helping Others Form New Attitudes and Beliefs

Curtis Campogni, Founder, Speak4MC

You are in the business of helping others, and the world is better for it! However, the job gets complicated when you collaborate with challenging people, ideas, attitudes, and beliefs. These interactions cause us to question ourselves and feel under attack when our attempts to improve the situation fail. This session will teach us how attitudes are formed and, more importantly, how you can inspire them to change. Through open discussion, group activities, and idea sharing, we will discover how cognitive empathy encourages critical thinking and changes in perspective. 

This workshop will give you evidence-based tools to invite new perspectives, evoke conversation, use strategic empathy, and influence new ideas. The workshop presentation will utilize breakout sessions, group discussions, and mind-bending challenges proven to engage the audience in the content. Topics are inspired by evidence-based models such as Motivational Interviewing and the Stages of Change. 

Breaking Barriers and Strengthening Outcomes: Using a wraparound principles aligned EHR/Case Management System to improve data driven decision-making with at-risk youth and families 

Kelly Hyde, Fidelity EHR

Kathryn Parker, The National Center for Innovation and Excellence

This session will provide users with an understanding of how a specifically designed EHR/Case Management Record has helped behavioral health and human services organizations aligned with the principles of high fidelity care coordination/wraparound. The users will be provided examples of how this novel system has broken barriers by specifically aligning the record and users practice ed to a high fidelity care coordination/wraparound plan of care. 

Data from existing Behavioral Health Organizations will be presented demonstrating how this record has helped to drive decision making and change at the clinical level, and in turn has improved outcomes for at risk youths. 

Kathryn Parker from The National center for Innovation and Excellence will join the presentation to provide information on how this data system has been used within the local system of care and how it has helped her teams improve practice and outcomes with at-risk children and their families.

TRACK 4 - Youth and Family Engagement

Sessions in this focus area include youth and family engagement, youth voice, and programs that promote youth transition into adulthood. These sessions will also highlight the importance of father engagement and its impact on youth development and achievement from a trauma-informed lens.

Racial Wealth Gap Learning Simulation 

Tracy Little, Director of High Fidelity Wraparound, The National Center for Innovation and Excellence

Osha Fordom, Executive Office Manager, The National Center for Innovation and Excellence

This Session is limited to 20 attendees: The Racial Wealth Gap Learning Simulation is an interactive tool designed to illustrate the intricate links between racial equity, hunger, poverty, and wealth. It serves as an initial step for individuals unfamiliar with structural inequality, a supplementary resource for those seeking a deeper comprehension of it, and a reference for experts interested in the measurable economic consequences of policies that have exacerbated current racial disparities in hunger, income, and wealth. Through this simulation, participants explore how federal policies have contributed to structural inequities, impacting various areas like property ownership and education, thereby aggravating hunger and poverty in communities of color. By engaging in the simulation, participants gain insights into the significance of racial equity in combating hunger and poverty in the United States. The aim is to raise awareness about structural inequality among participants, empowering them to advocate for policies that address and alleviate disparities.

Black Fatherhood Engagement

Henri Brown, Jewish Family Service of San Diego

Anthony Williams, Jewish Family Services of San Diego

The session focuses on the unique challenges Black Fathers face in San Diego County. Hopefully, this discussion will resonate with other trending areas of frustration all parents have facing family court and child welfare systems. We believe the two intersect. Black families are disproportionately victims of over surveillance by law enforcement and child welfare. As, a veteran in the Fatherhood Advocacy space, Henri Brown will lend his knowledge of the preconceived and actualized barriers fathers face. Jason Sharpe will reflect on his journey through child welfare and family court to reclaim legal custody while actively maintaining that mantle.

C.A.P.E Talk: Evidence-Based Approaches to Guide Conversations with Children

Curtis Campogni, Founder, Speak4MC

Child: Who is that?

Parent: That's Dr. Strange! He's Daddy's favorite!

Child: Why?

Parent: Well, he can travel back and forth in time, helps people, and wears a nifty cape.

The C.A.P.E approach was born!

Your child has choices, and so do you. However, you wear a C.A.P.E. when you honestly assess how your communication style aligns with the type of parent you want to be. The C.A.P.E approach is inspired by the evidence-based technique called Motivational Interviewing and stands for choices, avoiding arguments, patience, and empathy.

This session will teach participants tools to strengthen conversations with children, sharing specific examples from parents and professionals in child welfare and early learning development. Each objective applies to children of all ages, demonstrating that even though no parent is perfect, consistently making choices that align with your C.A.P.E will promote confidence, independence, and positive change.

Watch Us Grow

Leah D. Suarez, CEO, Our Village Okeechobee

Hannah O'Neal, Junior Leader, Our Village Okeechobee

Our children and their families wrestle everyday with difficult decisions, one of which is how are we going to feed our family tonight? We will connect the dots from food insecurity to mental health to education to food production. There are many barriers for our "kiddos" to be a part of a group or club - behavior, system involvement, poverty, etc. but we are working at making a way for any child to participate in a club. We have started our very own 4H Healthy Living Club for children who attend peer support with Our Village. Hydroponic growing was the way to work with children on all of these important issues. We will review local research, funded by Centering Equity through No Kid Hungry and how we are working to make a difference for kids and their families. 

Our Village Okeechobee - A Model for Community Care Management through Collective Impact: Cradle to Grave

Leah D. Suarez, CEO, Our Village Okeechobee

Jess Mosley, Program Manager, Our Village Okeechobee

Collaboration has been key to the success of Our Village and the health that takes place in our families and community. We use the principles or wraparound and restorative practices while using collective impact to take a step beyond collaboration. Our Village is a place where families connect or reconnect with one another, reengage and have opportunities to enhance our lives. Our children and families are at the heart of the work we do, and ensuring they have voice and choice strengthens the larger system of care in our community. 

The Trauma-Informed Grandparent: Breaking Cycles by Changing Culture and Customs

Napoleon A. Bradford, Lead Counselor, The PLACE Health and Wholeness Center

The dynamics of parenting are changing, and grandparents must be equipped to consider the trauma they caused in raising their children to ensure that it is not passed on to and through the raising of their grandchildren.

Contact Us: For more information contact Osha Fordom at [email protected]