Scammers are constantly contriving new ways to steal your personal information and gain access to your bank accounts. Members Heritage works to stay on top of current scams so we can help you with identity theft protection. Check out this quick, 2-minute video on how to protect yourself from fraud.

Can you spot a scam?

Know the Red Flags:

The most common types of scams will target you through fake emails, text messages, voice calls, letters or even someone who shows up at your front door unexpectedly. No matter which technique the scammer uses, you may be:

  • Contacted unexpectedly by phone, email, text, direct message or pop-up with a request for personal information or money. Never click a link or download an attachment from someone you don't know. Members Heritage will never text, email or call you asking for personal or account information.

  • Fraud verification text or call will ONLY ask you if you did a transaction - Y or N. You will NOT need to give any further personal information.

  • Pressured to act immediately with an alarming phone call, email or text that plays with your emotions. Scammers may pose as an employee from a familiar organization, such as Members Heritage and say there's a problem that needs immediate attention. Do not act unless you have verified the person who has contacted you and the story or request is legitimate.

  • Asked to pay in an unusual way, like gift cards, bitcoin, prepaid debit cards or digital currency, including Zelle® to resolve fraud. Members Heritage will never ask you to transfer money to anyone, including yourself and will never ask you to transfer money because we detected fraud on your account.

  • Asked to provide personal or account information, such as an account verification code, bank account number or PIN. When in doubt, don't give it out. Members Heritage will never text, email or call you asking for an account authorization code.

  • Offered a free product or 'get rich quick' opportunity that seems too good to be true? If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Never cash a check for someone you don't know.

Other helpful resources can be found by visiting,, www.idtheftcenter.org




Disclaimer - All content contained in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon to make any financial, accounting, tax, legal or other related decisions. Each person must consider his or her objectives, risk tolerances and level of comfort when making financial decisions and should consult a competent professional advisor prior to making any such decisions. Any opinions expressed through the content in this newsletter are the opinions of the particular author only.




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