- Friday May 17th, 5-6pm : GUIDED TOUR

Join us for a tour with artist Camille Farrah Lenain, who will share her process in

creating Sisters of the Hunt / Soeurs de la Chasse.



Projection of "The Waiting", a documentary piece focused on audio-storytelling,

followed by a panel discussion with Camille Farrah Lenain and 6 Southern huntresses

and moderated by Jordan Lahaye Fontenot. Exhibition book signing

following the presentation.


Saturday May 18, 5-10pm : CLOSING CELEBRATION

Closing reception with music by Trendafilka, a 10 women polyphonic choir based in

New Orleans, and The Babineaux Sisters Band, a cajun music duo. Cash bar and food.


Sunday May 19th, 10-11am : GUIDED TOUR

Join us for a tour with artist Camille Farrah Lenain, who will share her process in

creating Sisters of the Hunt / Soeurs de la Chasse, followed by a book signing.

Through stunning photographs and immersive sound art, this exhibit explores the lives of female hunters in rural France and Southern Louisiana. These women disappear into the wilderness for hours, seeking out their prey and forming deep bonds with each other and the land. Sisters of the Hunt celebrates the hunting sisterhood, a group of women who reject traditional roles and embrace their inner predators in a society that often views them as prey. Photographer and filmmaker Camille Farrah Lenain expertly captures the mystical trails between ancient mythology and the 21st century through her lens, creating a truly captivating experience for all to attend.

Camille Farrah Lenain is a French-Algerian documentarian living in New Orleans.  Camille’s clients include the New York Times, Rolling Stone, the Washington Post Magazine, T Magazine, Sierra Magazine, The Bitter Southerner, and Libération. 

Her photographs have been exhibited internationally, including at the Arab World Institute, the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, Les Boutographies, and the PhotoVogue Festival. She was previously an Artist in Residence at the Joan Mitchell Center. 

This project was made possible through grants from the Louisiana Office of Cultural Development as administered by the Acadiana Center for the Arts, New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, St Landry and St Martin Parish Tourist Commissions, and through the kindness of the Boisvert Foundation, Franco-American Benevolent Society with the assistance

of the NUNU Arts and Culture Collective.

Work inquiries, viewing appointments, and guided tours:

Peg Ramier, Director, NUNU-Director

Email: [email protected]

337 -847-1000

Camille Ferrah Lenain, Artist/Curator

Email: [email protected]


Ralph Schexnaydre Jr, NUNU-Curator/Preparer

Email: [email protected]


George Marks, NUNU-Program Director

Email: [email protected]



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