
All About Me

Our #1 Tip for Starting off a new school year!

Sit down with your child before school starts each year and put together some "All About Me" information to share with their teacher. This is designed to build self advocacy skills for your child AND to give your child's teachers and school administration the information needed to navigate your child's unique needs. This could be in a letter/ email format, a pamphlet format, or even something like a power point/ google slides presentation.

You might include things like:

-A photo of your child

-Some of your child's favorite things or hobbies

-An overview of your child's hearing difference

-Information about their preferred form of communication

-Any needed accommodations for the classroom

-A photo and explanation of any technology they might use

-A reminder to share this information with any substitutes

Click HERE for an example template of a tri-fold pamphlet:

*This can be copied and edited for your individual use. This was designed to be a free resource for parents; Copy right restricts it from being reproduced for financial gain.