Since 1988, Acuity Technical Solutions has built a strong IT legacy under the leadership of founder Darrell Brantingham. With a unique history of collaboration with the State of California, Darrell's extensive experience is unmatched. Acuity Technical Solutions has grown into a leading vendor for the state, expanding its success through partnerships with IT consulting firms and software manufacturers.

Our passion goes beyond business; we thrive on fostering partnerships and sharing knowledge. Whether we're troubleshooting with local state IT colleagues or helping software companies navigate the state landscape, our journey is one of continuous growth. We are driven by values of friendship, honesty, integrity, and teamwork, all aimed at improving our state and community.

What sets us apart is not just our longevity but our consistent ability to exceed the expectations of stakeholders, business partners, and end-users. Rooted in experience, Acuity Technical Solutions is your ideal choice, ensuring projects meet the needs of citizens in California and beyond.

  • Acuity Technical Solutions is a State Certified Small Business (2025892)
  • We specialize in software, hardware, and both IT and non-IT consulting
  • We have over 20 CMAS product contracts
  • We have both an IT and non-IT consulting CMAS
  • We have a TDDC Tier 3 IT MSA
  • We have 8 SLP contracts
  • We have placed over 200 consultants, and we’ve sold hundreds of thousands of licenses

Download our 2024 capability statement and line card for more information. Feel free to reach out to our team with any questions about our offerings.

Thank you for continuing to support our small business. We value the community we’re a part of, and we are appreciative of you choosing to working with our company.

Have any questions about our offerings or capabilities? Reach out to our team today.