I would like to share with you the launch of a relatively unknown and underutilized compound called Methylene Blue (methylthioninium chloride). I have a few nicknames for it including Skies of Blue, Agave Azul and simply Liquid Blue.  If you are thinking this is one of those toxic blue dyes, think again. I have an aversion to toxic dyes. But you knew that! This dye was discovered in the 19th Century and initially used in medicine and laboratories worldwide for staining and later for therapeutic use.  In time, the multitude of benefits have been discovered and validated by science. It is used in Africa as one of the most effective anti malarial remedies ever developed. It is an essential medicine on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. Why don't we know about it here in America? Well, I leave you to theorize on that one! I have used it personally and with many clients over the last 2 years with impressive results. If you are wondering if it helps with this CV Entity the answer is "Most Certainly". 

Go to and dive in.

I take MB to a higher bioenergetic and therapeutic level by imprinting it with unique frequencies to enhance the healing properties of this highly therapeutic mighty metabolic molecule. including 

BDNF for Neuroprotection and Plasticity

AZURITE for Mental Clarity & Thyroid Problems

AQUAMARINE Calms & Soothes Emotions & Regulates Hormones

LAPIS LAZULI "The Deep Blue Stone" Aids Communication, Alleviates Migraines & Vertigo

HERKIMER DIAMOND - Gem of Attunement for Emotional Healing, Clears Trauma - Fresh Start


Here are a Few Benefits of Liquid Blue

Anti Malarial/Parasitic (Babesia)

Anti Viral ( SCV2)

Anti Bacterial (Lyme & Bartonella)

Mitochondrial Repair/Enhancement

Antidote for Chemical Poisoning (perhaps conotoxins for those in the know)

Brain Boosting Properties

Antioxidant-Free Radical Scavenger

Anti-Depressant /Mood Enhancer

 Lastly, not all MB is equally created. Quality is critical. FFH offers

  •  Ultra Pure ~ USP Grade
  • BPA Free HDPE Bottle
  • Formaldehyde Free
  • Made in the USA

Used at low-therapeutic doses, it is safe and effective. Some contraindications exist so consult a knowledgeable professional to safely optimize your protocol.

All purchases through FFH include a 20 minute phone consult to review individualized dosing instructions if desired.

~Dr. Val & Basilico Seal of Approval~

Many in my Inner Hive often say "Dr. Val you are always Light Years Ahead". It is always my Passion and Mission to bring to you Health Promoting Evidence Based Technologies and Compounds ~Light Years Ahead~  

Live Here Now!

Dr. Val