
The Membership committee's core mission is to respond to and assist members with any questions regarding their membership, direct them to the HIMSS website for profile changes and connect them with others who share similar interests. Additional responsibilities include:

  • Maintain relationships with Organization Affiliate and Academic Affiliate Member primary contacts. Check in with each organization annually to understand their unique interests, assist with any related questions they may have and encourage/expand communication to their employees about member enrollment, NE HIMSS events and overall HIMSS benefits.

  • Manage the new volunteer process by working with committees to vet interested parties who would like to join each committee. We validate their membership with HIMSS or will work with them to sign up or answer any questions that they may have.

  • Generate monthly chapter membership reports to the board, identify trends and target audiences for further communication. The membership committee will also work with our HIMSS national contacts to address any issues or discrepancies with member data.

  • Working in collaboration with the Executive Board of Directors and the Marketing and Communications Committee, the membership committee will review, modify and send out an annual member survey. The intent of the member survey is to identify key program themes, drum up volunteering interest and overall help to promote chapter engagement.

For more information on the Membership program, please click here.