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La Plata County Extension: Health Tip of the Month by Nicole Clark

Unless you secretly enjoy the rise and fall of an emotional rollercoaster, you may want to slow your approach to post-holiday recovery. 

You see, exerting willpower takes energy. It quickly becomes depleted and your capacity for self-control fades, especially without the reinforcement of instant gratification (an unrealistic expectation by the way). Two weeks into your new habit and you’ll proclaim it’s hard, and hardly rewarding. You’re on the low side of the emotional rollercoaster. 

Before this point, tackle these three strategies to help you capitalize on the willpower you do have.

1)   Define what you want. Ask yourself, what is the single most important thing I want for my well-being? If I had to choose one ridiculously easy way to get started, what would that be? Example: I want more energy.

a)   Option 1: I’ll go to bed 10 minutes earlier on weeknights. Option 2: I’ll increase my physical activity by walking the stairs for 10 minutes every day at 1:00 pm.

2)   Create an environment that supports your health. 

a)   Option 1: Turn off electronics 1 hour before my new bedtime. Option 2: Put my exercise shoes on the stairs/under my desk so I will see and use them.

3)   Have a written “if-then” plan for situations that threaten your success.

a)   Option 1: If a work interruption prevents me from walking the stairs at 1:00 pm, I’ll walk the stairs before I leave work. Option 2: If I can’t spare 10 minutes, I’ll do 5.       


Remember, you can slowly progress on easy goals, but an overly challenging goal will soon become your excuse.

La Plata County Extension health programming: [email protected] or (970) 382-6461.