As the end of the fiscal year approaches, California faces the annual rush to close the books and prep for the year ahead. It's a critical time for updating and renewing IT goods and services to keep the state's tech infrastructure strong and secure. Here's why partnering with our certified small business Value-Added Reseller (VAR) for your software and hardware needs is a smart move.

We're Experts in Your World

We understand the unique challenges you face, from tough security requirements to the need for seamless integration with your existing systems. We provide specific solutions tailored to meet stringent standards. We also understand the procurement processes and intricacies involved with the state. With experience selling hundreds of thousands of licenses and placing over 200 consultants, we have the expertise to support your needs effectively.

Customer Service

Our team is dedicated to providing the best possible service both before and after purchase. We ensure our quotes are accurate and offer the most up-to-date products available. We navigate all the necessary processes, understanding that every product you request, no matter how small, is vital to your department's operations. We ensure successful delivery and remain available throughout the contract duration and renewal periods.

Boost the Local Economy

Choosing a certified small business VAR supports local economic growth and innovation. Partnering with us means investing in the local economy, creating jobs, and fostering a diverse business environment. This aligns perfectly with California’s goals of supporting small businesses and boosting economic development within the state.

Proven Success

Our track record speaks for itself. We’ve partnered with numerous public sector clients, delivering outstanding results and earning their trust. Our satisfied customers can vouch for our ability to provide reliable, high-quality IT solutions that meet their needs and exceed their expectations. With experience selling hundreds of thousands of licenses and placing over 200 consultants, our success is well-documented.

Stay Ahead with Innovation

Technology evolves fast, and staying ahead is crucial. Our team is committed to continuous innovation, ensuring the IT solutions we provide are cutting-edge and future-proof. We constantly seek out solutions that would benefit the state, offering suggestions that range from cutting-edge technologies to cost-saving techniques.

As California wraps up the fiscal year, picking the right IT partner is crucial. Our certified small business VAR offers the expertise, cost-effectiveness, personalized service, compliance, and commitment to local economic growth that the state needs. By choosing us, California can optimize its IT infrastructure and smoothly transition into the new fiscal year and beyond.

Make a smart choice for California’s future. Choose our certified small business VAR for your software and hardware needs, and see the difference that dedication and specialized expertise can make.

Reach out to our team today!