Over many years, Gyatrul Rinpoche often expressed his wishes to his attendants, making comments such as “When I die, feed me to the animals. Don’t make a big deal about my body, just throw it in the ocean. Feed me to the fishes!” At first, the attendants thought this was impossible, but they gradually realized that a sea burial might be possible and legal in this country, and so it has come to be. 

When told about Gyatrul Rinpoche’s wish, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche was very inspired and made these comments:

This shows that he has confidence in his departure and realization. He is not depending on/relying on how the body is handled. It also shows his generosity of giving the body to the ocean creatures. Remarkable!

They say the highest accomplished mahasiddhas' death is like a beggar dying in the street. The second best is like a bird, leaving no trace. The third is like a king on a bed with lots of brocades. 

The mahasiddha's death is done with no fuss, no attachment. It shows he has no concern about his journey from here, he is completely confident, like a garuda flying from its nest. 

We all know how incredible a master he is. It is, therefore, not for him but for ourselves that we all do the Guru and Vajrasattva mantras, as he always recommends the Vajrasattva mantra to his students. And then to mingle our mind with his mind, and do nature of mind practice, and particularly make aspirations that until enlightenment, like a wick and its flame, that we all remain closely connected with him.