
Child Support Calculator

Legal software for family law attorneys and mediators, paralegals and legal professionals, plus government agencies responsible for child support enforcement

The Missouri Child Support Calculator offers the most affordable, practical, and easy-to-use solution for divorce law professionals who produce court-ready documents and need a reliable and error-free solution.

With the Bradley Software Missouri Child Support Calculator, attorneys and legal professionals can quickly produce forms for child support & divorce cases, parenting calendars, and even calculate MO state interest on unpaid child support.

Trusted family law software for Missouri legal professionals

Used by Missouri family lawyers and their staff and court offices, the Missouri Child Support Calculator includes automatic calculation of the credit for support of other children, visitation adjustments, and daycare tax credit. The software automatically detects and calculates low-income support cases and calculates the child support amount, offering an extended income formula, and multiple family adjustments.

Enjoy the benefits of automated software to:

Accurately and easily prepare ready-to-file, Missouri Child Support Form 14

Calculate child support, multiple family adjustments, income tax adjustments, shared custody and more

Generate court-ready documents such as Child Support Worksheets, Verified Income Statements, and Arrears reports for unpaid support or unpaid interest paid

Calculate tax and other complex calculations

Produce parenting time calendars from hourly to annual overnight schedules with easy customizations and templates for holidays and school breaks

Plus, these bonus features:

  • Unlimited use
  • Free tech support
  • Free automatic updates including new features and Missouri support guideline updates
  • Print preview to view documents before printing
  • Ability to create a variety of scenarios

$385.00 per license per year

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(requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

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