By Nelson Scott

A Book for Believers in the Power of Staff Recognition

Sign up today and discover how you can be among the first to read Thanks, Again! More Simple, Inexpensive Ways for Busy Leaders to Recognize Staff. When you subscribe, you will receive a sample from the book: “Theme #6: Staff Recognition’s #1 Tool: Thank-You Notes,” plus bonus tips from elsewhere is the book, plus regular updates as the book’s publication date approaches.

Thanks, Again! is written for managers, supervisors, school principals, department heads and other front-line leaders who want to create and maintain work environments where everyone feels they are valued as individuals and where they feel comfortable being themselves. These leaders want staff members to feel appreciated for how they contribute and for what they achieve—to believe they are where they belong. 

Leaders like you get it. You believe in the power of staff recognition. You don’t need to be convinced that staff recognition is important. You don’t need a bunch of theory and research about the need for recognition in the workplace.

You just want ideas you can begin using immediately!

The tips, tools and techniques in this book are:

  • Simple and easy-to-use, because you’re busy and your time is precious.
  • Inexpensive or no cost, because your staff recognition budget is limited.

Many of these tips you can adopt immediately. Others may need adapting to fit the culture of your workplace. There are some you should avoid because they just aren’t right for you (but may work for others).

About Me

For more than two decades, I have written and spoken to audiences about how to hire, engage and retain the right people.

In 2011, I published Thanks! GREAT Job! Improve Retention, Boost Morale and Improve Engagement with High-Value, Low-Cost Staff Recognition.

Thanks, Again! is my second book filled with tips on how to thank staff members, co-workers and even the boss for what they do.

Please join me in getting Thanks, Again! ready to be launched later this year

Subscribe to receive immediate access to “Theme #6: Staff Recognition’s #1 Tool: Thank-You Notes,” and regular updates in the run-up to publication of Thanks, Again! More Simple, Inexpensive Ways for Busy Leaders to Recognize Staff.