Hello Living Springs Church Family, 

I am praying for each one of you, believing that God is working in your lives! Every week we are hearing testimonies of Gods goodness, healings and breakthroughs! If God did it before He can do it again, and He can do it in your life! I encourage you to find time today to spend time in His presence and be refreshed! 

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”

Galatians 6:9

I am excited to gather together this weekend. Tomorrow we have our LSC family winter fun at Curtis and Kari Metz. I hope you can join us for a fun time of skating, bon fire and fellowship. It is sure to be a great time together as church family! I am also looking forward to gathering this Sunday morning to worship together. I hope you you can make it to either our Regina or Moose Jaw location, or watch online if you are unable to!

May God bless each and everyone of you! Give God your yes, be passionate and bold for Jesus as you go about your day! And may He fill you with great joy, peace and love!


Pastor Andrew


Regina Location - 10 am Southland Mall Cineplex

Moose Jaw Service Location - 10 am at 303 Coteau St. W, Moose Jaw







Please Note: You can access our service on our website, YouTube or Facebook. For directions to our locations and links to watch online, click the link above!


Break from Feb. 20th -26th

The following weekly events will not be running next week due to reading week and kids being off school.

12-Step, Youth-Discipleship, MC, Regina-Discipleship classes, Kids Ministry and Youth-group.  

These activities will all resume the following week. 

Come enjoy the outdoors with us on Saturday, February 18th from 1pm - 3pm at the home of Curtis and Kari Metz located at 18 Park Meadows Road in White City. There will be an ice rink available for skating, a bonfire for roasting hotdogs and marshmallows and hot chocolate to drink! 

We are excited about our first summer family camp that will take place on August 14-18th, 2023. Registration forms are now available!  

Moose Jaw Pot-bless

This Sunday after the morning service in MJ we will be having a pot-bless downstairs in the fellowship area for those that are able to stay. Please text Tanis Rollefstad at 306-681-3096 or email at [email protected] to indicate what you would like to bring. 

Charitable Donation Receipts

Will be sent via email or mailed out. If you haven’t received it by the end of February, please let us know after March 1st so we can get that to you. 

Water Baptism/Holy Spirit Night

We are planning to have a baptism and Holy Spirit service on March 5th at 6pm in Moose Jaw at 303 Coteau Street W. This is an opportunity for Regina people to come and see the building at the same time. If you would like to be water baptized, please sign up at the info. desk or reach out to anyone on staff as we’d be happy to talk to you about this.

Grief Share Support Group

You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life. 

Starting on Thursday, March 30th at 7pm. If you are interested please contact [email protected] or sign up at the info table on Sunday before or after service. 


Everyone is welcome to join us at 7 pm on zoom. We will be having a wonderful time of sharing praise reports, worship and prayer. Click the button below to join us on Friday nights!



Team 4 - Feb. 19

Team 5 - Feb. 26

Moose Jaw

Team 3 - Feb.19

Team 1 - Feb. 26


E transfer: [email protected]

Mail cheques to:

#302-1102 8th Ave

Regina, SK

S4R 1C9

Donations to our Facility/Future Growth Fund can be sent to [email protected]

Please designate "Facility/Future Growth Fund" in the memo line.