Update on The Proposed Amendments to The Book of Order

The Proposed Amendments have been approved. While I will not go through all of what that means for the local congregations, I will address some of the significant changes. There will be two additional policies which all councils of the church will be required to have. All councils now need a harassment and antiracism policy in addition to the already required sexual misconduct and child/youth protection policy. Remember, the session of a congregation is a council of the church, and therefore required to have these policies. I will be attending a webinar June 13th to address the two new policies and how best to resource congregations. I will also be in a meeting with some of my fellow clerks where we will discuss how the changes will affect our congregations and presbyteries.

Boundary training, which must include sexual misconduct and child sexual abuse prevention is now required for Pastors, Commissioned Ruling Elders, Certified Christian Educators, and Inquirers for ministry, every thirty-six months. Sessions will be required to have a policy which includes the requirements for boundary training as well. The terms of call will now need to include 12 weeks paid leave including participation in the Board of Pensions. The entire section of the Book of Order previously called The Rules for Discipline will be replaced with a section called Church Discipline

It is not an understatement to say these changes are significant. I will be spending time evaluating and working on how these amendments will affect our congregations, and where we can find resources to help facilitate compliance with the new Book of Order. I will also be busy working with committees of the Presbytery trying to determine how the presbytery will meet the new requirements placed on it. These amendments will take effect July 9th, and the new Book of Order will be available at that time as well. Be on the lookout for additional information about resources which will be available to local congregations. If you have any questions about these amendments, let me know. 
