Alumni Spotlight: Vanessa Alamo' 17

Vanessa Alamo '17, a Brandeis Legal Studies Program Alumni, is currently serving as a Cyber Crime Specialist in Bank of America's Global Information Security division. After completing her undergraduate studies at Brandeis in 2017, Vanessa "worked for 4 years before enrolling into law school." She knew that she "didn't want to be a lawyer but wanted enough legal knowledge to work intelligently in the cyber field." This led her to pursue a Masters of Legal Studies with a concentration in cybersecurity, where she condensed the first year of law school into an intensive 1-2 year program. Vanessa's pursuit of specialized legal expertise reflects her foresight and commitment to excel in her chosen field.

Vanessa's time at Brandeis not only provided her with academic enrichment but also helped her form lifelong connections. She recalls that "Without them, I wouldn't have made it to graduation or even have a robust network with intelligent and creative people across various industries. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how influential Professor Breen was to my legal studies journey at Brandeis. He is a fascinating storyteller and can make the most mundane legal case seem incredibly interesting. Professor Stimell also taught a Restorative Justice course that stuck with me all these years." These connections have proven invaluable in her career, fostering a diverse network across various industries.

The COVID-19 pandemic played a pivotal role in Vanessa's career trajectory as she observed the surge in cyberattacks and fraudulent activities online. Vanessa always pondered, "how can the law regulate a technology that evolves much quicker than our legal system?" She states that "fortunately, in law school and in my career, I am able to learn in real time how our legal system is fighting against cyber criminal activity nationally and internationally."

While Vanessa used to volunteer extensively in her free time, the responsibilities of motherhood have temporarily limited her opportunities. However, she plans to return to volunteering soon, aiming to instill the values of giving back in her two young daughters.

For those looking to follow in her footsteps, Vanessa offers three essential pieces of advice. First, she emphasizes the importance of being open to new experiences, as her own career path involved several diverse roles before landing in her current cybersecurity position. Second, she encourages individuals to stay curious, explaining how her career evolved as she continued to ask questions and seek knowledge in various fields. Lastly, Vanessa advocates for staying in touch with the people who have been part of your journey, as the Brandeis network has proven to be a powerful asset in her career and personal life.

Lastly, Vanessa extended her appreciation to various programs. "I need to shout-out the Atlanta and New York Posses because they've been an amazing support system throughout my college years and beyond. Another shoutout goes to the TYP program because I met my best friend and some of the realest people on campus through that program. Also, a shout-out to the Phonathon family because they made working on campus, especially those double shifts on sundays, so much fun!" These shout-outs exemplifies the meaningful connections and memorable experiences that she cherishes from her time at Brandeis, reflecting the enduring sense of community and friendship she found during her time there.