
Finding Your Authentic Self

This ebook explores four practices for uncovering the real you. The more we embrace these practices the more we can confidently and unapologetically share our truth.

Six Steps to Quiet Your Self-Doubt

If you refuse to doubt yourself, what would that make space for? This ebook helps you with your biggest dilemma -- the monster in you head that holds you back -- self -doubt!

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Money Personalities

Five basic money personalities, mindset profiles, that drive spending and saving decisions. And how to become the one that brings wealth.

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Start Your Journey

Overwhelmed Moms, start the journey out of overwhelm.

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"Living with a mask may seem safer, but it isn’t sustainable, and it’s often more lonely than living a life of authentic expression. Living with a mask can leave us feeling empty, inadequate, and sometimes even ashamed of who we are.." ~Dr. Jordan Adams

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