Para obtener información en español, haga CLIC AQUI.

Do you have a viable business idea or side gig you want to expand?

Do you have a start-up business operating for less than 1 year?

For women in business, the Entrepreneur Training for Success (ETS) program will give you the training and skills you need to launch and operate your business successfully!

For Fall 2023, we are offering the ETS program for residents of:

  • Montgomery County, MD (for English speakers only)
  • Washington, D.C. (for Spanish Speakers only)

These cohorts are sponsored by Montgomery County, MD & the Department of Housing and Community Development in Washington, D.C.

Para obtener información en español, haga CLIC AQUI.

Learn more about EWI programs and how we have helped women entrepreneurs with their businesses in this video...

Watch this video to learn about the EWI Entrepreneur Training for Success program

What is ETS?

Entrepreneur Training for Success (ETS) is a 3-month intensive course in business, workforce, life, and leadership skills. Taught over 60 hours, ETS strongly emphasizes the fundamentals of micro-entrepreneurship, combined with the basics of financial literacy.

Each week participants will learn key skills that can transform their idea into a business, including:

  • Time management
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Branding and Communications
  • Accounting and Budgeting
  • Pricing your products & services
  • Registering your business
  • Financing your business
  • Pitching your business to potential partners and investors
  • and much more!

Each cohort consists of:

  • Up to 14 participants 
  • Lead Trainer & Financial Trainer
  • Volunteer Mentors
  • Expert Guests

Meet the program trainer! - Nilufar Gylyjova

Nilufar Gylyjova is an accomplished professional, women's business consultant, and entrepreneurship trainer. She holds a Master's in Sustainable International Development from Brandeis University, earned through a widely recognized and prestigious Fulbright scholarship award. With over 20 years of experience in operations management, sales, global supply chain, and HR, she has worked across various industries, from educational institutions to the Oil & Gas sector. Nilufar has devoted more than 700 hours to intensive training, mentoring, and consulting for women embarking on profitable business endeavors. Nilufar's consulting focuses on supporting female entrepreneurs to optimize their potential for success by identifying their "why" and shaping their business ideas to drive growth and success.

Her skill set encompasses Business and Operations Management, Business Plan Development, Business Pitch and Presentation, Strategic Planning, Socially Responsible Business Practices, Customer Service, Innovative Solutions, Training Facilitation, and more. 

Since 2017, Nilufar Gylyjova has been an integral part of EWI, serving as the ETS Program Lead Entrepreneurship Trainer, Mentor, and occasionally as a guest speaker.

When do classes start?

Montgomery County, MD (English Speakers Only)- Starting Tuesday, September 26, 2023. Sessions occur on Tuesdays (and some Thursdays) evenings at 6:30 pm.

Washington, D.C. (Spanish Speakers Only)- Starting Wednesday, September 27, 2023. Sessions take place on Monday (and some Wednesdays) evenings at 6:30 pm.

Para obtener información en español, haga CLIC AQUI.

How much does ETS cost?

Thanks to our generous funders, there is NO COST for those qualified applicants who qualify and are accepted to participate in the ETS program.

Is there a deadline to apply?

We accept applications for Fall 2023 classes until noon on Friday, September 8, 2023.

What is the application process?

Because spots are limited, there is an application and selection process to participate in the Entrepreneur Training for Success (ETS) program. The application process is as follows:

1- Submit your application

Check your email! A member of the EWI program team will email you within 24 hours.

2- Schedule your interview

If you meet the minimum qualifications, you will be instructed by email to schedule an interview with a member of the EWI program team. The interview will be conducted online via Zoom.

During the interview, you'll have the opportunity to learn more about the ETS program, and we will take some time to learn more about you and your business or business idea.

3- Notification of acceptance

If accepted into the ETS program, you will be notified by email no later than Wednesday, September 20, 2023.

What if I have more questions?

Please feel free to contact us at the Empowered Woman International program by email at [email protected]

Empowered Women International (EWI) is a program of the Latino Economic Development Center. Our mission is to provide entrepreneurship training, mentoring, market access, and support services to help talented and high-potential women monetize their creative or cultural assets, artistic abilities, knowledge, and skills, and become change-makers in their families, communities, and the world for immigrant, refugee, low-income, and at-risk women in the Greater Washington DC Metro Area.