Hello Church Family,  

Today I am praying for you, asking the Lord to be close to each one, as He would lead and guide you as you walk out the journey before you! As a believer, we are already positioned for victory. God is fighting on our behalf, and it is our job to fall in line with Him!

This morning in our family devotions we read about Paul and Silas in Acts chapter 16. Because of their faith, they were beaten severely and thrown into the most secure prison. They were bound and guards were positioned to watch them day and night. The Bible says,

“Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening.”

Acts of the Apostles 16:25 

In the midst of great suffering and pain, they were worshiping and praying! Wow, that is amazing. They didn’t allow their circumstances to lead them away from God, they stayed focused on Jesus! The Bible then goes on to tell us that an earthquake came and all the doors of the prison opened, and all the prisoners' chains fell off!

Paul and Silas did not look to run and free themselves, instead, they turned to a guard who was suicidal, knowing he would be killed for letting the prisoners escape. They led him to the Lord and his entire household was saved and baptized!

True freedom begins in the heart! Paul and Silas were at peace despite their circumstances. Their focus was not on their own direction but on God’s plan! I pray today that you will have peace! Despite what may be happening around you, you can rest and know that God has a plan!

Have a blessed day, and I hope to see you on Sunday!

Pastor Andrew

Our condolences to Joyce Beke on the passing of her husband Allan Beke on October 3rd, 2023. May God bless you and all the family as you gather together to celebrate Allan’s life. Allan’s Celebration of Life Service will be held on Saturday, October 14th at the Regina Apostolic Church at 2 pm.


Wednesday Night Prayer

Pastor Andrew will be hosting an in-person prayer night starting on Wednesday, Oct. 25th at 6:30pm for 6 weeks at Keith and MaryAnn Ward’s home located at Suite 407, 2885 Arens Road in Regina. Due to their close proximity to the church, it allows the prayer meeting to coincide with kid's ministry. You can drop your kids off and you can leave in time to pick your kids up! 

Introduction to Prophetic Art Workshop

On Saturday, November 4, 2023, 9:45am-11:45am

Learn what prophetic art is and the role it plays in the personal and corporate life of the body of Christ. Includes a time of teaching and personally activating prophetic art. No previous art experience is needed.

*Must be at least ten years old. All participants must pre-register.

*Cost is $25.00. All materials included.

*For more information and to register please contact MaryAnn Ward: 306-551-0735


All families are welcome to our Family Fun Night on Tuesday, October 31 starting at 6:30pm. Please dress up in God-glorifying costumes as we celebrate life and not death. There will be candy for the kids and lots of fun for the whole family. If you would like to donate candy please drop it off before or on Sunday, Oct. 22nd. 


All families are welcome to our Family Fun Night on Tuesday, October 31st at 5:30pm. The Kids Ministry has been enjoying the theme of “Cooking Around the World.” We are going to celebrate the conclusion of this with an international PotBless that everyone is welcome to. Please sign up at the info. table register. Please dress up in God-glorifying costumes as we celebrate life, not death. There will be candy for the kids and lots of fun for the whole family. If you would like to donate candy please drop it off before or on Sunday, Oct. 22nd. 

Water Baptism

Water Baptism is a very important part of publicly confessing Jesus as your Saviour and Lord. If you have not been water baptized, we would love to walk you through that process. Please feel free to contact one of the church staff to begin the process. 

Regina Grief Share

GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life. For more information please contact Audrey at [email protected]

PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF A NEW E-Transfer STEP: Please put your first and last name in the memo line for all transfers. In order to properly allocate the transfers to the correct donor it is necessary that you put your first and last name on the memo line. The bank is no longer reliably giving us this information on the e-transfer.


  • Friday Night Prayer

Everyone is welcome to join us at 7 pm on zoom. We will be having a wonderful time of sharing praise reports, worship and prayer. Click the button below to join us on Friday nights!

  • Pre-Service Prayer

On Sunday mornings we invite everyone to join in at 9:15am to cover our service in prayer. 

  • LSC Signal Prayer Line

Join our Church family by praying into specific individual prayer requests, followed up with praise reports via the Signal App. If you have questions about how to join please reach out to Audrey at 306-527-2273. 



Team 2 - October 15

Team 3 - October 22

Team 4 - October 29

Moose Jaw

Team 1 - October 15

Team 2 - October 22

Team 3 - October 29


Regina Location - 10 am Victoria Square Mall (2223 Victoria Ave. E, Regina)

Moose Jaw Service Location - 10 am at 303 Coteau St. W, Moose Jaw

Regina Location

Moose Jaw Location

Church Online



Please Note: You can access our service on our website, YouTube or Facebook. For directions to our locations and links to watch online, click the link above!


"New" E-Transfer step: Please put your first and last name in the memo line for all transfers. In order to properly allocate the transfers to the correct donor it is necessary that you put your first and last name on the memo line. The bank is no longer reliably giving us this information on the e-transfer. Thank you

Mail cheques to:

#302-1102 8th Ave

Regina, SK

S4R 1C9

Donations to our Facility/Future Growth Fund can be sent to [email protected]

Please designate "Facility/Future Growth Fund" in the memo line.